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Departamento: Departamento del Interior y Justicia

formularios totales: 29

formularios (29)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Addition of Retainer
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Addition of Retainer

Adición de Retainer

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Addition of Weapons
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Addition of Weapons

Adición de armas

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Cartridges
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Cartridges

Solicitud de extensión de cartuchos

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Jurisdiction
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Jurisdiction

Solicitud de prórroga de la jurisdicción

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Purchase Period of Weapon in Arms
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Application for Extension of Purchase Period of Weapon in Arms

Extension of Purchase Period of Weapon in Arms License form

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Cancellation of License
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Cancellation of License

Cancelación de la licencia

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Change of Address Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Change of Address Application

Cambio de Dirección

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Change of Bore Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Change of Bore Application

Cambio de Bore

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Correction in Arm License Application for Individuals
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Correction in Arm License Application for Individuals

Corrección en la licencia de armamento (para Persona Individual/Deportes /Miembro de la Asociación del Club de Rifle)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Deletion of Retainer Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Deletion of Retainer Application

Eliminación del retenedor

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Deletion of Weapons Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Deletion of Weapons Application

Eliminación de las armas

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Duplicate Arms License Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Duplicate Arms License Application

Issuance of Duplicate Arms License

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Entry of Weapon Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Entry of Weapon Application

Entrada de armas

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Legacy Data Form for Individuals
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Legacy Data Form for Individuals

Formulario de datos sobre el legado (para personas, personas deportivas y miembros de asociaciones/lubs)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Legacy Data Form for Organizations
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Legacy Data Form for Organizations

Formulario de datos sobre el legado (para la empresa/organización incluyendo bancos )

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Matrimonio Under The Punjab Anand Matrimonio Act
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Matrimonio Under The Punjab Anand Matrimonio Act

Matrimonio en virtud de la Ley de matrimonio de Punjab

Punjab Departamento de Asuntos Interiores y Justicia - Solicitud de Certificado de Matrimonio
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Departamento de Asuntos Interiores y Justicia - Solicitud de Certificado de Matrimonio

Issuance of Marriageability Certificate

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application

Issuance of New Arms License (Form V – For District Rifle Association / Rifle Club)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application for Individuals
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application for Individuals

Issuance of New Arms License in Form II, III and V

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application for Organizations
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - New Arms License Application for Organizations

Issuance of New Arms License in Form II, III and IV (Individuals, Sports Person and Member of Rifle Associations)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - NOC for Sale of Weapon Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - NOC for Sale of Weapon Application

NOC para la venta de arma

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Deposit of Weapon in Death Case
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Deposit of Weapon in Death Case

Permission for Deposit of Weapon in Death Case

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Sale Transfer Weapon in Death Case
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Sale Transfer Weapon in Death Case

Permiso para venta de arma de transferencia en caso de muerte

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Usage of Loud Speaker Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission for Usage of Loud Speaker Application

Permission for Usage of Loud Speaker

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission to Carry the Weapon Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Permission to Carry the Weapon Application

Permiso para llevar el arma

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Punjab Compulsory Registration of Marriage Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Punjab Compulsory Registration of Marriage Application

Punjab Compulsory Registration of Marriage

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Renewal of Arms License Application for Individuals
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Renewal of Arms License Application for Individuals

Renovación de la licencia de armas en los formularios II, III y IV (Individuales, Sports Person y Member of Rifle Associations)

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Renewal of Arms License Application for Organizations
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Renewal of Arms License Application for Organizations

Renovación de la licencia de armas en el formulario II, III y V (para la empresa/organización incluyendo bancos )

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Solemnization of Marriage Application
  • Inglés
  • Departamento del Interior y Justicia
  • hindi

Punjab Department of Home Affairs and Justice - Solemnization of Marriage Application

Solemnization of Marriage

Eliminar sesión de llenado

¿Eliminar la sesión de llenado seleccionada? En este caso, se perderá su progreso al completar el formulario.

Eliminar sesión de edición

¿Eliminar la sesión de edición seleccionada? En este caso, se perderá su progreso en la creación y edición del formulario.