Izaberi jezik

1247i - Informacije koje treba dostaviti pritvoreniku o identifikacijskim testovima

This text explains that when you apply for a visa or other immigration-related document, you may need to provide biometric information such as fingerprints and a photograph. The Australian Department of Home Affairs may also share your personal identifying information with other agencies to verify your identity. Use of force is only allowed in certain circumstances during the identification process, and if you believe your privacy has been violated, you can file a complaint with the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs or the Australian Privacy Commissioner.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is the purpose of providing identity information to the Department of Home Affairs?

    The purpose of providing identity information to the Department of Home Affairs is for immigration, border control and other related purposes.

  • Is it possible to get a job offer before applying for a visa?

    Yes, it is possible to get a job offer before applying for a visa. However, you must have a valid job offer and meet the eligibility criteria for the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) before submitting your application. The SMC is a points-based system that assesses your skills, education, work experience, proficiency in English, and other factors to determine if you are eligible to live and work permanently in New Zealand.

  • What is the difference between a visa and a master permit?

    A visa is an endorsement placed in the passport of an individual that allows them to travel to a country for a certain period of time. A master permit, on the other hand, is a document that grants someone permanent residence in a particular state or territory of Australia. It can be either a Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) or a Family visa (subclass 461).

  • What rights do I have regarding the handling of my personal information by the Department of Home Affairs?

    If you believe that the Department of Home Affairs has mishandled your personal information in violation of Australian privacy principles, you can lodge a privacy complaint through their online form. Your complaint will be investigated and the results communicated to you. If you are not satisfied with the response, you may also file a privacy complaint with the Australian Information Commissioner.

  • Can I extend my master permit after it expires?

    If your master permit has expired, you may need to apply for a new visa. The processing time and requirements can vary depending on your circumstances and eligibility criteria. It is essential to check the latest immigration news and follow the appropriate procedures to ensure that you are in compliance with Australian immigration laws.

  • Can you provide me with some tips on how to answer the questions correctly?

    To ensure that your answers are correct, it is essential to read and understand the instructions thoroughly. Make sure to answer all parts of each question, and avoid providing unnecessary information. Be honest in your responses, and if you are unsure about anything, seek clarification from the interviewer or an authorized person.

  • What is the processing time for a master permit?

    The processing time for a Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) is approximately 14 months as of February 2021. However, please note that this time frame can change, and you should always check the latest immigration news to stay updated on any changes or delays in the visa processing times.

  • Will my personal identifying information be shared with other government agencies or organizations?

    Yes, your personal identifying information may be shared with other government agencies and organizations for immigration, border control and other related purposes. This helps to ensure that your identity is confirmed and that you are not making similar requests to multiple agencies.

  • Under what circumstances can force be used during the identity verification process?

    Force may only be used during the identity verification process if: (1) you refuse to allow the identity check; (2) all reasonable non-violent means have been tried and failed; and (3) a senior officer has authorized the use of force for identity verification. However, this does not apply if you are under 18 years old or have limited capacity, or if the identifying information being requested is your signature.

  • Who is considered an 'authorized officer' under Australian immigration law?

    An 'authorized officer' under Australian immigration law includes: (1) officials of the Department of Home Affairs, except those specifically identified; (2) officers or personnel outside the Department of Home Affairs who meet certain conditions (e.g., Customs Act 1901 officers, Australian Protective Service Act officers, federal or state police, or officers authorized by the Minister); or (3) any person authorized by the Minister under immigration law to be an 'authorized officer'. This includes persons belonging to specific classes of authorized officers.

  • How do I contact the Department of Home Affairs for general inquiries?

    You can contact the Department of Home Affairs for general inquiries by calling 131 881 within Australia, or by contacting your nearest Australian embassy or consulate abroad.

  • What documents do I need to provide with my application?

    When submitting your visa application, you will need to provide a range of supporting documents. These may include your passport, birth certificate, educational certificates and transcripts, work experience letters, proof of financial support, and any other relevant documentation required by the specific visa category. Ensure that all your documents are complete, accurate, and up-to-date before submitting your application.


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Obrasci karaktera ili identiteta

Obrazac 1247i je jedan od dokumenata ili obrazaca koji se odnose na utvrđivanje ili provjeru identiteta pojedinca. Ovi obrasci obično zahtijevaju osobne podatke i dokumentaciju za potvrdu identiteta osobe. Evo nekoliko primjera obrazaca koji se obično povezuju s provjerom identiteta:

Obrasci za potvrdu identiteta: Ove obrasce koriste organizacije, kao što su poslodavci, vladine agencije ili financijske institucije, za provjeru identiteta pojedinaca. Obično traže osobne podatke, kao što su ime, adresa, datum rođenja i broj socijalnog osiguranja, a mogu zahtijevati i prateću dokumentaciju poput službene osobne iskaznice, putovnice ili rodnog lista.

Obrasci za dokaz adrese: Ovi se obrasci koriste za provjeru adrese stanovanja pojedinca. Od osobe mogu zahtijevati da dostavi račun za režije, bankovni izvod, ugovor o najmu ili druge dokumente koji dokazuju njihovu trenutnu adresu.

Obrasci za autorizaciju provjere pozadine: Kada organizacija provodi provjeru pozadine pojedinca, često od osobe zahtijeva da ispuni obrazac kojim odobrava provjeru. Ovi obrasci mogu tražiti osobne podatke, uključujući ime, datum rođenja i broj socijalnog osiguranja, koji pomažu u utvrđivanju identiteta osobe.

Obrasci izjave pod prisegom o krađi identiteta: U slučajevima krađe identiteta, žrtve će možda trebati ispuniti obrazac izjave pod prisegom o krađi identiteta. Ovaj obrazac pomaže pojedincima prijaviti lažnu upotrebu njihovog identiteta i pruža pravnu evidenciju incidenta.

Važno je napomenuti da se specifični oblici i zahtjevi za utvrđivanje ili provjeru identiteta mogu razlikovati ovisno o kontekstu, kao što je svrha, nadležnost ili uključena organizacija. Za najtočnije i najsvježije informacije uvijek pogledajte posebne obrasce koje nudi organizacija ili institucija koja zahtijeva potvrdu identiteta.


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