Izaberi jezik

1247i - Informacije koje treba dostaviti pritvoreniku o identifikacijskim testovima

To file a complaint with the Australian Ombudsman regarding an issue with customs, contact them at www.ombudsman.gov.au/contact or call 072 362 1300. The Customs Act 1901 applies to customs officers and federal police, among others. A 'dependant' is a person who the Minister has granted dependent status under the Migration Act 1958. A 'dependent' cannot be a officer or an authorized officer under the Customs Act. They must have the ability to identify the interests of a non-citizen, provide their own identification, and understand the instructions given. A 'vulnerable person' is someone who is unable to understand three or more essential requirements or tasks related to providing their own identification.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is a 'person without substantial financial resources'?

    A person without substantial financial resources refers to an individual who does not have enough financial means to support themselves, and may be eligible for government assistance or employment income.

  • Who is considered a 'dependant relative' in Australian immigration?

    A 'dependant relative' is a person who is related by blood or marriage to you, and has no spouse or de facto partner, or their spouse or de facto partner is also applying for migration with them as a primary applicant. They must also meet certain requirements regarding age, relationship to you, financial dependency and health.

  • Who is considered an 'eligible sponsor' in Australian immigration?

    An eligible sponsor for migration to Australia can be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or an organization. They must also meet specific requirements regarding their financial capacity and ability to provide accommodation.

  • How can I contact the Department of Home Affairs in Australia for immigration-related inquiries?

    You can contact the Department of Home Affairs in Australia by calling their enquiry line on 131 881 (available 24 hours a day, seven days a week) or visiting their website at www.homeaffairs.gov.au for more information.

  • Can someone without substantial financial resources apply for a migration agent?

    Yes, individuals without substantial financial resources can still hire a registered migration agent to assist them with their migration application. However, the agent may not be able to provide financial support or services related to the individual's migration.

  • What is 'limited assistance'?

    Limited assistance refers to financial support or services provided by the Australian government to individuals who are not eligible for employment-related assistance, and may be seeking to migrate to Australia. The level of support provided is limited and may not cover all expenses related to the migration process.

  • What is a 'person of independent means'?

    A person of independent means refers to an individual who has the financial capacity to support themselves without relying on government assistance or employment income.

  • What is a 'dependent child' under Australian migration law?

    A 'dependent child' under Australian migration law refers to a child, or an adopted child, of the applicant or their partner who is under 18 years old or is unable to support themselves financially due to a total and permanent disability.

  • What does 'character requirement' mean in Australian immigration law?

    'Character requirement' in Australian immigration law means that the applicant must pass the character test, which assesses their past criminal record, current behavior and future potential, among other factors. Applicants who have a significant criminal history or pose a risk to public safety may be refused entry or granted a visa subject to certain conditions.

  • What is a 'migrant' under Australian immigration law?

    A 'migrant' in the context of Australian immigration refers to a person who has been granted permission to enter and remain in Australia permanently, either through a visa or by becoming an Australian citizen. This includes people granted humanitarian visas, skilled workers, businesspeople, family members and others.

  • What is a 'sponsor' in the context of Australian immigration?

    A sponsor is an eligible person or organization that can provide an assurance to the Department of Home Affairs that they will provide financial and accommodation support to an applicant for migration to Australia, as well as ensure that the applicant complies with certain requirements.

  • What is the definition of 'not eligible for migration assistance'?

    An individual who is deemed ineligible for migration assistance under section 361 of the Migration Act 1958 refers to someone who does not meet the criteria set by the government to receive financial support or services related to their migration to Australia.

  • What is 'independent migration assistance'?

    Independent migration assistance refers to financial support or services provided by the Australian government to individuals who do not meet the criteria set by the government to receive employment income, and are therefore not eligible for employment-related assistance. This support may be available for individuals seeking to migrate to Australia.

  • What is a 'person without substantial financial resources'?

    A person without substantial financial resources refers to an individual who does not have enough financial means to support themselves, and may be eligible for government assistance or employment income. This term is often used in the context of migration applications to Australia.


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Obrasci karaktera ili identiteta

Obrazac 1247i je jedan od dokumenata koji se koriste za prikupljanje podataka o karakteru ili osobnim kvalitetama pojedinca. Ovi se obrasci mogu koristiti u različitim situacijama, kao što su zapošljavanje, stanovanje ili pravni postupci, za procjenu prikladnosti ili vjerodostojnosti pojedinca. Evo nekoliko primjera oblika koji se mogu smatrati "oblici znakova" u različitim kontekstima:

Referentni obrasci karaktera: Ovi se obrasci koriste za prikupljanje informacija od pojedinaca koji mogu jamčiti za karakter, vještine i kvalifikacije pojedinca. Često se traže kao dio molbi za posao, molbi za najam ili pravnih postupaka. Obrasci obično traže pojedinosti o odnosu s podnositeljem zahtjeva, njihovo mišljenje o karakteru podnositelja zahtjeva i sva relevantna iskustva ili zapažanja.

Obrasci osobne izjave: U određenim situacijama od pojedinaca se može tražiti da daju osobnu izjavu ili esej kako bi prenijeli svoj karakter, vrijednosti i motivaciju. To može biti potrebno za upis na koledž, prijave za stipendije ili procese profesionalnog licenciranja.

Obrasci svjedočenja karakternih svjedoka: U pravnim postupcima, karakterni svjedok može biti pozvan da svjedoči o karakteru, reputaciji ili ponašanju pojedinca. Iako obično nisu u obliku unaprijed definiranog dokumenta, mogu postojati obrasci ili predlošci koji će voditi svjedoka u strukturiranju njegovog iskaza.

Obrasci za otkrivanje i autorizaciju provjere pozadine: U nekim kontekstima, kao što su prijave za zapošljavanje, od pojedinaca se može tražiti da ispune obrasce kojima se odobrava provjera pozadine. Ovi obrasci mogu sadržavati pitanja o karakteristikama, prethodnoj kriminalnoj prošlosti ili drugim relevantnim osobnim podacima.

Važno je napomenuti da specifični obrasci koji se koriste za procjenu karaktera pojedinca mogu varirati ovisno o kontekstu i zahtjevima uključene organizacije ili institucije. Stoga se preporučuje da pogledate posebne obrasce koje daje relevantna strana kako biste razumjeli informacije koje se traže i kako točno ispuniti obrasce.


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