Izaberi jezik

1259i - Informacije o DNK testiranju za podnositelje zahtjeva za vizu i državljanstvo

This text provides information about the DNA testing process required by the Australian Department of Home Affairs for certain visa and citizenship applications. It explains why DNA testing may be requested, the steps involved in the process, and how to choose a laboratory and sample collector. It also mentions the importance of obtaining counselling if unexpected results are obtained.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What happens after I have chosen a DNA testing laboratory?

    After choosing a DNA testing laboratory, you need to contact them to arrange the DNA sample collection process. You must also obtain consent from all parties involved and provide the necessary information to the Department.

  • What are the requirements for DNA testing in family law cases?

    In Australia, DNA testing is required by the Family Law Act 1975 for parentage testing when there is an issue regarding a child's parentage. The Department of Home Affairs requires that the DNA testing be carried out by an accredited laboratory and that a suitable DNA sample collector is chosen to collect samples from all donors.

  • How can I find an approved DNA testing laboratory?

    To find an approved DNA testing laboratory, you can visit the NATA website (www.nata.com.au/accredited-facility) and use the search function to look for 'Parentage Testing'. Contact your chosen laboratory to confirm that they can meet the Department's requirements.

  • What happens if I don't proceed with DNA testing?

    If you decide not to proceed with DNA testing, the Department will make a decision on your visa or citizenship by descent application based on the available information at that time. If you are a refugee visa applicant, the laboratory will be chosen for you.

  • What happens if DNA test results show unexpected biological links?

    If the DNA test results show unexpected biological links, you may wish to undergo counselling. A panel doctor appointed by the Australian Government can provide such counselling, but you will need to pay for this service.

  • How long does it take to get DNA test results?

    DNA test results are usually available 14 days from when the laboratory receives all samples. However, this time may vary depending on various factors.

  • What is NATA?

    NATA stands for National Association of Testing Authorities. It is the Australian government-authorized national competency council for testing and calibration services. The Department requires that DNA testing laboratories be accredited by NATA to ensure they meet the required standards.

  • What is DNA testing?

    DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) testing is a method of determining genetic relationships between individuals. It can be used for various purposes, including family law testing and visa or citizenship applications.

  • Where can I contact the Department for further questions or information about DNA testing?

    You can contact the office of the Department that suggested the test or visit their website www.homeaffairs.gov.au for more information. In Australia, you can also call their general enquiry line on 131 881 during business hours to speak to an operator (recorded information available outside these hours). If you are outside Australia, please contact your nearest Australian mission.

  • What languages is this information available in?

    This information is also available in the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Dari, French, Hakha Chin (Chin state – Burma), Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani), Chinese (Simplified), Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

  • What is the process for DNA testing for visa or citizenship by descent application?

    The process for DNA testing involves several steps: 1. The Department sends you a letter suggesting you undergo DNA testing. 2. You decide if you wish to proceed with DNA testing and choose an accredited NATA laboratory for family law testing that can comply with the Department's requirements. 3. You make an appointment with the chosen laboratory, pay the costs of the DNA testing, and arrange for a sample collector. 4. The laboratory sends a sample collection kit and completed statutory declaration forms to you or your nominated DNA sample collector. 5. Samples are taken from all donors at designated locations with Department representatives present for samples taken outside Australia. 6. Completed consent declarations are signed by each person undergoing a sample collection and sent to the laboratory along with the samples. 7. The DNA test results are sent to both you and the Department, usually within 14 days of receiving all samples.


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Obrazac 1259i je jedan od dokumenata koji se koriste za prikupljanje podataka o karakteru ili osobnim kvalitetama pojedinca. Ovi se obrasci mogu koristiti u različitim situacijama, kao što su zapošljavanje, stanovanje ili pravni postupci, za procjenu prikladnosti ili vjerodostojnosti pojedinca. Evo nekoliko primjera oblika koji se mogu smatrati "oblici znakova" u različitim kontekstima:

Referentni obrasci karaktera: Ovi se obrasci koriste za prikupljanje informacija od pojedinaca koji mogu jamčiti za karakter, vještine i kvalifikacije pojedinca. Često se traže kao dio molbi za posao, molbi za najam ili pravnih postupaka. Obrasci obično traže pojedinosti o odnosu s podnositeljem zahtjeva, njihovo mišljenje o karakteru podnositelja zahtjeva i sva relevantna iskustva ili zapažanja.

Obrasci osobne izjave: U određenim situacijama od pojedinaca se može tražiti da daju osobnu izjavu ili esej kako bi prenijeli svoj karakter, vrijednosti i motivaciju. To može biti potrebno za upis na koledž, prijave za stipendije ili procese profesionalnog licenciranja.

Obrasci svjedočenja karakternih svjedoka: U pravnim postupcima, karakterni svjedok može biti pozvan da svjedoči o karakteru, reputaciji ili ponašanju pojedinca. Iako obično nisu u obliku unaprijed definiranog dokumenta, mogu postojati obrasci ili predlošci koji će voditi svjedoka u strukturiranju njegovog iskaza.

Obrasci za otkrivanje i autorizaciju provjere pozadine: U nekim kontekstima, kao što su prijave za zapošljavanje, od pojedinaca se može tražiti da ispune obrasce kojima se odobrava provjera pozadine. Ovi obrasci mogu sadržavati pitanja o karakteristikama, prethodnoj kriminalnoj prošlosti ili drugim relevantnim osobnim podacima.

Važno je napomenuti da specifični obrasci koji se koriste za procjenu karaktera pojedinca mogu varirati ovisno o kontekstu i zahtjevima uključene organizacije ili institucije. Stoga se preporučuje da pogledate posebne obrasce koje daje relevantna strana kako biste razumjeli informacije koje se traže i kako točno ispuniti obrasce.


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