Izaberi jezik

Obrazac 815 Australija

  1. Jezik Engleski
  2. Zemlja Australija
  3. Aktivnost Zdravlje
Obrazac 815 Australija

815 - Zdravstveno poduzeće

This document provides instructions on how to complete the Health Undertaking Form 815 for an Australian visa application. The form includes personal details, health examination requirements, and consent for release of health information. Applicants outside Australia are required to contact the Health Undertaking Service within 4 weeks of arrival and report to a specified health clinic for supervision and treatment if necessary.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • Who needs to sign the health undertaking consent form?

    The client (applicant) and a parent or guardian (if under 16 years of age), as well as the Department, state and territory health authorities, and the relevant health clinic, all need to sign different parts of the health undertaking consent form.

  • What consent is given in the client undertaking Consent for release of health information section?

    The client consents to the Department disclosing their personal information to state and territory health authorities and the relevant health clinic for the purpose of monitoring this health undertaking. They also consent to authorising the state and territory health authorities and the relevant health clinic to disclose to the Department the result of the health examination they will attend and any follow-up treatment required.

  • What is a health undertaking form 815 and what is its purpose?

    A health undertaking form 815 is a document required by the Australian Department of Home Affairs for certain visa applicants. It outlines the conditions and requirements for undergoing a health examination, as well as ongoing monitoring and reporting throughout the duration of their visa. The purpose of this form is to ensure that the applicant's health information is shared between the Department and state/territory health authorities and the relevant health clinic for monitoring and managing their health during their stay in Australia.

  • What information needs to be provided in the client details section?

    The family name, given names, date of birth, passport details (number, country, issue date, and expiry date), HAP IDICSE Client ID, office use only number, telephone numbers (mobile and office), after hours contact details, fax number, email address, intended duration of stay in Australia, and postcode need to be provided in the client details section.

  • What are the undertakings that a client needs to agree to?

    A client needs to agree to contact the Health Undertaking Service within 4 weeks of their arrival in Australia, report to the health clinic to which they are referred, place themselves under the health clinic’s professional supervision and undergo any required course of treatment, chest x-ray examination or investigation, inform that health clinic each time they change their address in Australia throughout the period during which their health is being monitored, inform that health clinic whenever they are about to leave Australia and report upon their return, and (for applicants outside Australia) inform the Australian Visa Office where they lodged their application if they change their contact details.


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