Izaberi jezik

815 - Zdravstveno poduzeće

This document provides instructions on how to fill out a health undertaking form for Australian visa applicants. The form requires personal information, a statement of good health, and consent for the release of health information.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What happens if I fail my medical examination?

    If you fail the medical examination, it may affect your visa application and result in a refusal of your visa. In some cases, it may also mean that you will need to pay for another medical examination at your own expense.

  • Who should sign this form if I am under 16 years of age?

    A parent or guardian should sign on behalf of a child under 16 years of age

  • Which department in Australia is responsible for processing visa applications?

    The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is responsible for processing visa applications in Australia.

  • What happens if I don't provide my health information as part of the health undertaking?

    If you do not provide your health information within 72 hours, it may affect your visa application and result in a refusal or cancellation of your visa. It is important to complete all parts of the health undertaking to avoid any issues with your visa application.

  • What information do I need to provide during the medical examination?

    You will need to provide personal and biometric information, including your fingerprints and a photograph. You may also be required to undergo a chest x-ray or other medical tests depending on your country of origin and the type of visa you are applying for.

  • Do I have to pay for my medical examination?

    The cost of the medical examination may vary based on the location and type of examination required. The DHA will provide more information about payment options once you receive your health undertaking.

  • Can I request a waiver for the medical examination?

    In some cases, you may be able to request a waiver or alternative assessment based on health grounds. However, this is not guaranteed and will depend on your individual circumstances.

  • What information will be released to the Department and state/territory health authorities and the relevant health clinic?

    Personal information, result of health examination, and information about any follow-up treatment required will be released to the Department and state/territory health authorities and the relevant health clinic

  • What is a health undertaking?

    A health undertaking is a document that outlines the requirements for an applicant to undergo a medical examination and provide their health information as part of the visa application process.

  • What law guides the release of health information?

    The Privacy Act 1988 governs the release of health information


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