Izaberi jezik

1442i - Obavijest o privatnosti

This privacy policy explains how the Australian Department of Home Affairs handles personal information, including collection, use, disclosure, and data security. It also outlines the rights of individuals regarding their personal information and how to make complaints or inquiries.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • How can I contact the Department of Home Affairs for general inquiries?

    You can call 131 881 within Australia during business hours for assistance. For international inquiries, contact the nearest Australian embassy or consulate.

  • What is the Australian Government's policy on privacy?

    The Department of Home Affairs has a privacy policy that can be accessed on their website (<https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/access-and-accountability/our-commitments/privacy>). The policy outlines how individuals can access and request corrections to their personal information, as well as the procedures for making complaints about privacy violations.

  • What is the purpose of collecting personal information from individuals when they arrive in Australia?

    The purpose of collecting personal information from individuals when they arrive in Australia is to process their entry into the country and ensure that they meet the necessary visa or immigration requirements. This information may be used for security screening, border control, and immigration decision-making.

  • What happens if an individual's personal information is not accurate or up-to-date?

    If an individual's personal information is not accurate or up-to-date, it can cause issues when processing their entry into Australia or applying for immigration benefits. The Department of Home Affairs may need to request additional information or correction of the existing information before proceeding with a decision. It is important for individuals to ensure that their personal information is correct and up-to-date to avoid any potential delays or issues.

  • Can personal information collected by the Department of Home Affairs be shared with foreign governments?

    Yes, personal information collected by the Department of Home Affairs can be shared with foreign governments in certain circumstances. This may occur when there is a mutual agreement between Australia and the other country to share information for immigration or law enforcement purposes. Additionally, biometric data may be exchanged to assist with identity verification.

  • How can individuals access their personal information held by the Department of Home Affairs?

    Individuals can access their personal information held by the Department of Home Affairs through the official website or by contacting the department directly. The department also has a dedicated privacy section on its website that provides more information about individual rights and how to make a complaint or query.

  • What information does the Department of Home Affairs collect from individuals outside Australia?

    The Department of Home Affairs may share your personal information with contractors and other recipients outside of Australia for processing and storage purposes, including airlines or travel agents for pre-flight checks and electronic visa processing. The Department also exchanges information with international organizations under sharing agreements, such as but not limited to the United States, the UK, Canada, and New Zealand, for the verification of biometric data, personal documents, immigration status, and relevant criminal records.


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