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Obrazac 1442i Australija (ruski)

  1. Zemlja Australija
  2. Jezik ruski
  3. Aktivnost Pomozite
Obrazac 1442i Australija (ruski)

1442i - Obavijest o privatnosti

The Department of Home Affairs in Australia exchanges information with various international organizations, including but not limited to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. This information exchange may include biometric data (personal identifiers). If there is a match with your personal identifiers, the Department may disclose your biographic information, copies of travel documents and other identity verification documents or information from those documents, immigration status and immigration history (which may include fraudulent activities and immigration-related offenses), and relevant criminal history. The purpose of this disclosure is to help establish your identity and determine if you have applied for a visa using the same identity with similar claims.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What are the implications if I provide false or misleading information during my application process?

    Providing false or misleading information during your application process may result in your application being refused or canceled. You may also face penalties under the Migration Act 1958, including fines and deportation.

  • What should I do if my personal circumstances change after I have lodged my application?

    If your personal circumstances change after you have lodged your application, it is important that you inform the Department as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in your application being refused or canceled.

  • Where can I find more information about the visa application process and requirements?

    You can find more information about the visa application process and requirements on the Department of Home Affairs website (www.homeaffairs.gov.au) or by contacting the Immigration and Citizenship Hotline within Australia at 131 881.

  • What should I do if my application is refused?

    If your application is refused, you can appeal the decision by lodging a request for review within 28 days of being informed of the refusal. If you are still unable to enter Australia, you may wish to seek legal advice.

  • What information may be disclosed about me to international organizations or foreign governments?

    Information may be disclosed to international organizations or foreign governments for the purpose of establishing your identity and determining if you have applied under the same identity with similar applications, including but not limited to biographical data, copies of travel documents, other identifying documents, immigration status, and criminal history. This disclosure usually occurs through bilateral agreements between countries.

  • What information is collected during the eVisa application process?

    During the eVisa application process, you will be required to provide personal information such as your name, date of birth, gender, nationality, passport number, and contact details. You may also be required to provide additional information depending on the type of visa you are applying for.

  • What happens if I am unable to pay the visa application charge?

    If you are unable to pay the visa application charge, your application will not be processed until the fee is paid.

  • What happens if I don't agree to provide my biometric data?

    If you do not agree to provide your biometric data, you may be unable to apply for or receive certain types of visas or travel to Australia. The Department may also consider this as a reason to refuse future applications.

  • Can I access my personal information held by the Department?

    Yes, you can request access to your personal information held by the Department under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) or Privacy Act 1988. You will need to submit a formal application with the required fee.


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