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Obrazac 1451 Australija (vijetnamski)

  1. Zemlja Australija
  2. Jezik vijetnamski
  3. Aktivnost Pomozite
Obrazac 1451 Australija (vijetnamski)

1451 - Razumijevanje sigurnosti u kući i oko njega

[The document is a form from the Department of Home Affairs (Australia) regarding the Status Resolution Support Services Programme for individuals and their families. It explains that the provider will give orientations on emergency and fire safety procedures, as well as advice on safe gardening practices. The information provided includes instructions on what to do in case of a smoke alarm activation, emergency situations, calling emergency numbers, and safe cooking practices. For gardening safety, it advises on the correct use of gardening equipment, suitable clothing and footwear, and appropriate storage of poisons and dangerous items such as weedkiller and petrol. The form includes an acknowledgement section where individuals must sign to confirm they have received the information.]

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What information does the form collect about emergency and fire safety procedures?

    The form collects information on what to do if a smoke alarm activates, what to do in an emergency situation, how to call emergency numbers such as 000, and how to use an interpreter if needed.

  • What information is provided to individuals regarding emergency and fire safety procedures?

    Information on what to do in case of a smoke alarm, emergency situation, calling emergency numbers, and using interpreters if needed

  • Give details about the interpreter's full name.

    The form requests the individual to provide the interpreter's full name in block letters.

  • What is the advice given about safe gardening practices?

    The form provides information on correct use of gardening equipment, importance of suitable clothing and footwear, and appropriate storage of poisons and dangerous items such as weedkiller and petrol.

  • What should an individual do when they receive this form?

    They should read and understand the privacy notice before signing and filling out the form

  • Where can the privacy notice be found?

    On the Department of Home Affairs website or at their offices

  • What is the name of the program mentioned in the document?

    Status Resolution Support Services Programme

  • Who will protect my privacy rights according to the document?

    The Department of Home Affairs

  • What type of information is being collected about individuals according to the document?

    Personal information including sensitive information

  • What is the purpose of the form?

    The purpose of the form is to collect personal information from individuals and families who are eligible for the Status Resolution Support Services Programme.

  • What safe gardening practices are recommended in the document?

    Correct use of gardening equipment, suitable clothing and footwear, and appropriate storage of poisons and dangerous items


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