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Zakonska deklaracija karaktera Australija (španjolski)

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Zakonska deklaracija karaktera Australija (španjolski)

Zakonska deklaracija znakova - travanj 2020. - španjolski

This article discusses the requirements of integrity for non-citizens who wish to enter or stay in Australia. The criteria include previous criminal convictions, serious criminal history, and conduct that constitutes harassment or abuse. If an individual meets any of these criteria, they may be refused entry or have their visa cancelled. The article also discusses the use of international notices to inform Australian authorities about individuals who pose a risk to national security.

  • What are the requirements for a person to be considered of good character under Australian immigration law?

    To meet the requirements of good character under Australian immigration law, a person must not have been: i) convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or espionage within the five years before applying for the visa; ii) involved in human trafficking or people smuggling; iii) previously refused a visa on character grounds; iv) affected by a substantial criminal record; v) shown a disregard for Australian laws; vi) been sentenced to imprisonment of 12 months or more within the five years before applying for the visa; vii) had two or more sentences totaling to 12 months or more within the five years before applying for the visa; viii) be subject to an Interpol notification related to them; ix) been found guilty of a sexual offense involving a minor, either in Australia or abroad; x) have charges or formal accusations for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture, slavery, or crimes with international significance; xi) have conducted hostility or intimidation towards another person without violence or threat to their property.

  • What is 'financial hardship'?

    'Financial hardship' refers to a person experiencing financial difficulties, such as being unable to pay bills or supporting themselves financially. This can be considered when assessing a person's character for an immigration application.

  • What is 'good health'?

    'Good health' refers to a person being in good physical and mental health, free from contagious diseases and with no substantial disability. This can be considered when assessing a person's character for an immigration application.

  • What is 'criminal record'?

    'Criminal record' refers to previous convictions or charges, whether in Australia or overseas, that have resulted in a finding of guilt or a plea of guilty. This can impact a person's ability to meet the character requirements for an immigration application.

  • What happens if a person has been convicted of a serious offense?

    If a person has been convicted of a serious offense, it may impact their ability to meet the character requirements for a visa or other immigration application. This can include being considered as not of good character or having an adverse assessment of character.

  • What is 'adverse assessment of character'?

    'Adverse assessment of character' refers to when a person has engaged in conduct that raises serious concerns about their suitability as a migrant. This can impact a person's ability to meet the character requirements for an immigration application.

  • What is meant by 'integrity' in the context of immigration law?

    'Integrity' refers to a person's trustworthiness, reliability and honesty. It is one of the key factors considered when assessing a person's character for an immigration application.

  • What is 'not of good character'?

    'Not of good character' refers to a person who has engaged in conduct that is not honest, respectable and deserving of trust. This can impact a person's ability to meet the character requirements for an immigration application.

  • When a person is found to have a previous criminal record, what happens?

    If a person is found to have a previous criminal record, it may impact their ability to meet the character requirements for a visa or other immigration application. This can include being considered as not of good character or having an adverse assessment of character.

  • What is 'serious criminal offense'?

    'Serious criminal offense' refers to an indictable offence, which is an offence that can be heard in the higher courts and carries a maximum penalty of death or life imprisonment.


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