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Obrazac 1116 Raspored B

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Obrazac 1116 Raspored B

Raspored B (obrazac 1116) (prosinac 2021.)

Raspored usklađivanja prijenosa stranih poreza

This document outlines instructions for completing Schedule B of Form 1116 for Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation, as issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax years beginning in 20 XX and 20YY. The form is designed to help taxpayers reconcile their foreign tax carryover from previous tax years (up to the 14th preceding tax year), calculate adjustments, and report foreign tax carryovers used or carried over for the current tax year. Taxpayers must complete a separate Schedule B for each applicable category of income: general, passive, branch income, Section 901(j) income, lump-sum distributions, and certain income sourced by treaty. The instructions provide guidance on how to enter country codes for sanctioned countries or treaty countries when necessary. The form requires taxpayers to report foreign tax carryovers from the prior tax year and make adjustments for carrybacks and section 905(c) redeterminations. Taxpayers must also calculate adjusted foreign tax carryovers, report current tax year's foreign tax carryover used or carried over, and enter actual or estimated amounts to be carried back to the prior tax year.


  • What information should be included in Schedule B (Form 1116)?

    Schedule B (Form 1116) requires taxpayers to report details of their foreign source income and taxes paid, as well as any prior year carryforwards or carrybacks.

  • What is Schedule B (Form 1116) used for?

    Schedule B (Form 1116) is used to calculate and report the foreign tax credit for individuals, estates, or trusts on their U.S. income tax return.

  • What is the purpose of Form 8643?

    Form 8643, also known as the Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax Due to a Foreign Country or U.S. Possessions, is used by taxpayers who have paid foreign income taxes that can be claimed as a credit against their U.S. federal income tax liability.

  • What is the general rule for foreign tax credits?

    The general rule for foreign tax credits states that only foreign income taxes paid that are less than or equal to 20% of the taxpayer's U.S. federal income tax liability for the year can be claimed as a credit.

  • What is the foreign tax credit limitation?

    The foreign tax credit limitation refers to the maximum amount of foreign tax credits a taxpayer can claim in a given year. This limitation ensures that the taxpayer cannot reduce their U.S. federal income tax liability below zero.

  • What is the purpose of Form 1116?

    The primary purpose of Form 1116 is to calculate and claim any foreign tax credits that can be used to reduce a taxpayer's federal income tax liability. The form is also used to report certain foreign income and provide information about the foreign tax credit.

  • What are foreign tax credits?

    Foreign tax credits refer to the amount of foreign income taxes paid that can be claimed as a credit against a U.S. federal income tax liability. This means that the taxpayer can reduce their income tax owed by the amount of the foreign tax credit they have.

  • What happens if Schedule B (Form 1116) is not filed correctly or on time?

    Failure to file or incorrect filing of Schedule B (Form 1116) may result in underreported taxes, potential penalties, and delays in processing your tax return.

  • What is Form 1116?

    Form 1116, also known as the Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax Due to a Foreign Country or U.S. Possessions, is used by taxpayers who have paid foreign income taxes that can be claimed as a credit against their U.S. federal income tax liability.

  • What are the key parts of Part III in Form 1116?

    Part III in Form 1116 includes sections for calculating the foreign tax credit for specific types of income, such as dividends, interest, and rents. It also includes spaces to report any prior year carryforwards or carrybacks.

  • What are the deadlines for filing Schedule B (Form 1116)?

    Schedule B (Form 1116) generally must be filed with your annual U.S. income tax return, and any amendments or adjustments should be made within three years from the due date of the original return.

  • What are the requirements for claiming a foreign tax credit?

    The requirements for claiming a foreign tax credit include paying foreign income taxes to a foreign country or U.S. possession, and providing appropriate documentation such as Form 8643.


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