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Obrazac 1118 Raspored K

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Obrazac 1118 Raspored K

Raspored K (obrazac 1118) (Rev. Prosinac 2018.)

Raspored usklađivanja prijenosa stranih poreza

Schedule K (Form 1118) is a tax form used by corporations for reporting foreign tax carryovers. For tax years beginning in 20XX and ending in 20XX, corporations are required to file a separate Schedule K for each category of income. The form includes sections for reporting foreign tax carryovers from the prior five tax years and adjustments to those carryovers. Corporations must enter the country codes for sanctioned countries or treaty countries as specified in instructions. The form also requires reporting foreign tax carryover used, expired unused, generated, and carried back to previous tax years.


  • What is an excess limitation?

    An excess limitation refers to the amount by which a corporation's foreign tax credits exceed its income for the year. If a corporation has excess foreign taxes, it can carry them forward to future years. If not, they are used to reduce the corporation's income tax liability.

  • What is Form 1118, Schedule B, Part II?

    Form 1118, Schedule B, Part II is a form used by corporations to report and claim foreign tax credits. It allows corporations to claim a credit for the amount of income taxes paid or accrued to a foreign country during the tax year. The form has multiple columns that are used to calculate the total foreign tax credit that can be claimed.

  • What is an AMT?

    AMT, or alternative minimum tax, is a separate tax calculation that corporations must perform. It's designed to ensure that corporations pay at least a certain amount of tax regardless of their actual income. An NOL cannot be used to offset an AMT.

  • What is an NOL?

    An NOL, or net operating loss, refers to a corporation's loss from previous years that can be carried forward to offset future years' income. An NOL can only be used to offset income in the same tax year and any remaining amount cannot be carried forward.

  • What is line 4 of Schedule K?

    Line 4 of Schedule K allows a corporation to claim foreign tax credits it can use to offset its US income tax liability. It has multiple columns that correspond to the different foreign taxes paid or accrued during the tax year.

  • What is Form 8971?

    Form 8971, Alternative Minimum Tax Credit, is a form used by corporations to report and claim credits for the alternative minimum tax. It allows corporations to report any AMT credits they may have and claim them against their US income tax liability.

  • What is Form 1116?

    Form 1116, Nonrefundable Credits, is a form used by corporations to report and claim nonrefundable credits. It allows corporations to report any nonrefundable credits they may have, such as the foreign tax credit, and claim them against their US income tax liability.


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