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Obrazac 1120 Raspored D

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Obrazac 1120 Raspored D

Raspored D za 2021. (Obrazac 1120)

Kapitalni dobici i gubici

This document provides instructions for completing Schedule D (Form 1120) for capital gains and losses for corporations. The form includes sections for short-term and long-term transactions, with separate lines for proceeds, cost, adjustments, and gain or loss. Corporations are required to report certain investments in qualified opportunity funds. The document also provides instructions for reporting installment sales, like-kind exchanges, and capital loss carryovers. Additionally, the document explains how to calculate net short-term and long-term capital gains or losses.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is the purpose of Form 8949?

    Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets, is used to report dispositions of capital assets. The form is used to calculate the cost basis and the gain or loss on the disposition of a capital asset such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or collectibles.

  • What should a corporation do if it receives a Form 1099-B reporting the sale of stock with basis not reported to the IRS?

    The corporation cannot report this transaction directly on Schedule D, line 8a. Instead, the corporation must complete and attach Form 8949 before completing Schedule D. The instructions for Form 8949 will guide the corporation in determining columns (f), (g), and (h).

  • What should a corporation do if it receives a Form 1099-B reporting the sale of stock with basis reported to the IRS?

    The corporation can enter the proceeds and basis as reported on the Form 1099-B directly on Schedule D, line 8a, columns (d) and (e), respectively. If there were multiple transactions reported on the same Form 1099-B, combine them by entering the total proceeds and total basis in columns (d) and (e).

  • What are short-term capital gains?

    Short-term capital gains are profits from the sale of assets that were held for one year or less. These gains are generally taxed at the same rate as ordinary income.

  • What is Form 1039?

    Form 1039, Corporate Annual Return/Report, is used by corporations to report their income and pay any taxes owed. The form must be filed by the 15th day of the fourth month following the end of the tax year.

  • What is Form 8946?

    Form 8946, Credit for Increasing Research Expenditures, is used by corporations and other entities to claim a research credit. The form must be filed separately by each entity that wishes to claim the credit.

  • What is Form 1065 Schedule K-1?

    Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, Schedule K-1 is used by partnerships to provide their partners with information about the partnership's income, deductions, credits, and other items that are passed through to the partners. The form is filed separately by each partnership.

  • What is Form 1099-B?

    Form 1099-B, Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange, is used to report proceeds from the sale of securities. The form reports the gross proceeds, the cost or other basis, gain or loss on disposition, and any adjustments made to the reporting of these items.

  • What is the deadline for filing a Form 1065?

    The deadline for filing a Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, depends on the tax year and the partnership agreement. The Form must be filed by the 15th day of the third month following the end of the tax year if the partnership has a fiscal year or by the 15th day of the fourth month following the end of the tax year if the partnership has a calendar year.

  • What is Form 8949?

    Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets, is used to report dispositions of capital assets. The form is used to calculate the cost basis and the gain or loss on the disposition of a capital asset such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or collectibles.

  • What should a corporation do if it receives a Form 1099-B reporting the sale of stock with basis reported to the IRS but the basis shown is incorrect?

    The corporation cannot report this transaction directly on Schedule D, line 8a. Instead, the corporation must complete and attach Form 8949 before completing Schedule D. Use the instructions for Form 8949, columns (f), (g), and (h), to make any necessary adjustments.


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Porezni obrasci

Obrazac 1120 Raspored D je jedan od poreznih obrazaca koji su dokumenti koji se koriste za prijavu prihoda, odbitaka i poreznih obveza relevantnom poreznom tijelu. Ovi su obrasci bitan dio procesa podnošenja poreznih prijava i koriste se kako bi se osiguralo da pojedinci i tvrtke poštuju porezne zakone i točno izračunaju svoje porezne obveze.

Posebni potrebni porezni obrasci mogu se razlikovati ovisno o čimbenicima kao što su status prijave pojedinca, izvori prihoda i porezni zakoni zemlje. Međutim, evo nekih uobičajenih vrsta poreznih obrazaca:

Obrasci za porez na dohodak pojedinaca: Ovi se obrasci, poput serije 1040 u Sjedinjenim Državama, koriste pojedincima da prijave svoje prihode, traže odbitke i kredite te izračunaju svoje porezne obveze.

Poslovni porezni obrasci: Tvrtke, uključujući samostalne poduzetnike, partnerstva, korporacije i samozaposlene pojedince, možda će morati podnijeti različite obrasce za prijavu svojih prihoda, troškova i dugovanih poreza. Primjeri uključuju Prilog C (Dobit ili gubitak od poslovanja) i Obrazac 1120 (Prijava poreza na dobit korporacija u SAD-u).

Porezni obrasci za zaposlenje: Poslodavci su dužni prijaviti plaće zaposlenika te zadržati i doznačiti poreze na plaće. U tu svrhu koriste se obrasci kao što su W-2 (Izjava o plaći i porezu) i 941 (Kvartalna prijava saveznog poreza poslodavca).

Obrasci za investicijske i mirovinske račune: Ovi se obrasci koriste za prijavu prihoda od ulaganja, kapitalnih dobitaka i gubitaka, kao i doprinosa i raspodjela s mirovinskih računa. Primjeri uključuju obrazac 1099-DIV (Dividende i raspodjele) i Obrazac 5498 (Informacije o doprinosu IRA-e).

Obrasci za porez na nekretnine i darove: kada osoba premine ili da značajne darove, posebni obrasci kao što je Obrazac 706 (Povrat poreza na imovinu Sjedinjenih Država (i Generation-Skipping Transfer)) i Obrazac 709 (United States Gift (and Generation- Skipping Transfer) Tax Return) koriste se za prijavu i izračun svih primjenjivih poreza na nekretnine ili darove.

Važno je napomenuti da se porezni zakoni i obrasci mogu mijenjati tijekom vremena, pa bi se pojedinci i tvrtke trebali posavjetovati s nadležnim poreznim tijelima ili potražiti profesionalni porezni savjet kako bi osigurali usklađenost s trenutačnim zahtjevima.


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