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Obrazac 706-GS (D-1)

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Obrazac 706-GS (D-1)

Obrazac 706-GS (D-1) (Rev. Listopad 2008.)

Obavijest o distribuciji iz povjerenja koja preskače generaciju

This document is related to the reporting of distributions from a Generation-Skipping Trust for each skip person distributee. The document provides instructions on how to complete Form 706-GS(D-1) which is used by a trustee to report distributions to both the Internal Revenue Service and the distributee. The skip person distributee uses this information to complete Form 706-GS(D). The form requires details about each distribution including the date, description of property, value, and inclusion ratio. Trust and distributee's identifying numbers, name, address, and ZIP code are also necessary. The document emphasizes that any errors on Form 706-GS(D-1) should be reported to the trustee for correction.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • When does a nonexplicit trust come into play?

    Whenever property is transferred into a pre-existing trust, the inclusion ratio must be refigured. See Multiple transfers into a trust for the rule on how to refigure the inclusion ratio.

  • What does it mean when an arrangement has 'substantially the same effect as a trust'?

    An arrangement that has substantially the same effect as a trust will be treated as a trust even though it is not an explicit trust. Examples of such arrangements are insurance and annuity contracts, life estates and remainders, and estate for years.

  • How is an applicable fraction refigured when property is transferred into a pre-existing trust?

    Whenever property is transferred into a pre-existing trust, the inclusion ratio must be refigured. See Multiple transfers into a trust for the rule on how to refigure the inclusion ratio.

  • What happens when a special QTIP election is made?

    If a special QTIP election has been made, property for which a QTIP election was made for estate or gift tax purposes will be treated as if this QTIP election had not been made. In such cases, either the settlor spouse or the executor of the settlor spouse's estate must make the special QTIP election.

  • What are the rules for computing an applicable fraction for a generation-skipping transfer?

    To compute the applicable fraction for a generation-skipping transfer, you need to determine the denominator (valuation of trust assets) and numerator (allocated GST exemption). The value used in the applicable fraction is the gift tax value for an inter vivos transfer if the allocation was made on a timely filed gift tax return. If the QTIP election has been made, the surviving spouse is considered the transferor, and the value is the estate tax value. If there was an ETIP, the value of the property for computing the inclusion ratio is the estate tax value if the property is includible in the transferor's gross estate.

  • What is a generation-skipping transfer (GST)?

    A generation-skipping transfer (GST) occurs when property is transferred from a grandparent to a grandchild, bypassing the parents in the next generation. GSTs can have significant federal estate and gift tax consequences.

  • What is the purpose of requesting information from taxpayers about their offshore activities?

    The IRS has issued final regulations under section 6011 regarding the reporting obligations with respect to foreign financial assets, which includes bank accounts, investment accounts, and other types of foreign financial assets. These regulations require U.S. taxpayers who have a financial interest in, or signature authority over, certain foreign financial assets held for their own benefit or for the benefit of an immediate family member to report that interest on Form 8938.

  • What type of trust is this form used for?

    Form 706-GS (United States Estate (and Certain Nonresident Not a Citizen) and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return) is used to report transfers into a grantor trust or a generation-skipping transfer trust.

  • What information should be entered in column a?

    Enter the name, title, and SSN (if applicable) of the person making the transfer or the estate of the deceased person.

  • Who is considered the transferor for GST tax purposes?

    The transferor for GST tax purposes depends on the type of trust and whether a special QTIP election was made. For a grantor trust, the transferor is typically the person making the transfer. For a generation-skipping transfer through a trust, it could be the original settlor or the surviving spouse of the settlor, depending on the circumstances.

  • What is the inclusion ratio?

    The inclusion ratio is used to determine the amount of generation-skipping transfer tax that applies to a transfer. It is calculated by dividing the total generation-skipping transfer tax exemption by the sum of the value of all transfers made during the person's lifetime and the adjusted GST exemption (in case of late allocation).


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Porezni obrasci

Obrazac 706-GS (D-1) je jedan od poreznih obrazaca koji su dokumenti koji se koriste za prijavu prihoda, odbitaka i poreznih obveza relevantnom poreznom tijelu. Ovi su obrasci bitan dio procesa podnošenja poreznih prijava i koriste se kako bi se osiguralo da pojedinci i tvrtke poštuju porezne zakone i točno izračunaju svoje porezne obveze.

Posebni potrebni porezni obrasci mogu se razlikovati ovisno o čimbenicima kao što su status prijave pojedinca, izvori prihoda i porezni zakoni zemlje. Međutim, evo nekih uobičajenih vrsta poreznih obrazaca:

Obrasci za porez na dohodak pojedinaca: Ovi se obrasci, poput serije 1040 u Sjedinjenim Državama, koriste pojedincima da prijave svoje prihode, traže odbitke i kredite te izračunaju svoje porezne obveze.

Poslovni porezni obrasci: Tvrtke, uključujući samostalne poduzetnike, partnerstva, korporacije i samozaposlene pojedince, možda će morati podnijeti različite obrasce za prijavu svojih prihoda, troškova i dugovanih poreza. Primjeri uključuju Prilog C (Dobit ili gubitak od poslovanja) i Obrazac 1120 (Prijava poreza na dobit korporacija u SAD-u).

Porezni obrasci za zaposlenje: Poslodavci su dužni prijaviti plaće zaposlenika te zadržati i doznačiti poreze na plaće. U tu svrhu koriste se obrasci kao što su W-2 (Izjava o plaći i porezu) i 941 (Kvartalna prijava saveznog poreza poslodavca).

Obrasci za investicijske i mirovinske račune: Ovi se obrasci koriste za prijavu prihoda od ulaganja, kapitalnih dobitaka i gubitaka, kao i doprinosa i raspodjela s mirovinskih računa. Primjeri uključuju obrazac 1099-DIV (Dividende i raspodjele) i Obrazac 5498 (Informacije o doprinosu IRA-e).

Obrasci za porez na nekretnine i darove: kada osoba premine ili da značajne darove, posebni obrasci kao što je Obrazac 706 (Povrat poreza na imovinu Sjedinjenih Država (i Generation-Skipping Transfer)) i Obrazac 709 (United States Gift (and Generation- Skipping Transfer) Tax Return) koriste se za prijavu i izračun svih primjenjivih poreza na nekretnine ili darove.

Važno je napomenuti da se porezni zakoni i obrasci mogu mijenjati tijekom vremena, pa bi se pojedinci i tvrtke trebali posavjetovati s nadležnim poreznim tijelima ili potražiti profesionalni porezni savjet kako bi osigurali usklađenost s trenutačnim zahtjevima.


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