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Obrazac 8697

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  2. Jezik Engleski
  3. Aktivnost Porezi
  4. Odjel Porezna uprava
Obrazac 8697

Obrazac 8697 (Rev. Studeni 2018.)

Izračunavanje kamata prema metodi osvrtanja za dovršene dugoročne ugovore

Form 8697 instructions for computing interest on underpayments or overpayments of alternative minimum tax (AMT) and regular tax for prior years due to differences between actual contract prices and estimated prices. This form is used when a taxpayer has had income from contracts that were not completed until after February 1986, and the reported amounts were based on estimated prices instead of actual prices.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What happens if I don't provide the requested information on my tax return?

    If you do not provide the required information, you may forfeit any refund of interest otherwise owed to you and/or be subject to penalties.

  • Can I file a civil or criminal litigation with the Department of Justice?

    The Department of Justice represents the federal government in civil and criminal litigation. If you need legal assistance, you should contact a private attorney.

  • How can I file a complaint with the National Taxpayer Advocate?

    You may file a complaint with the National Taxpayer Advocate by mail, email, or phone. The contact information is available on their website at <https://www.taxadvocate.irs.gov/contact-us/>.

  • What is the purpose of a look-back method for computing interest?

    The look-back method computes interest based on the total amount of underpayments or overpayments of tax during the applicable redetermination year. It allows taxpayers to avoid double interest charges by taking into account both prior and subsequent periods of time.

  • What is the purpose of the Paperwork Reduction Act?

    The Paperwork Reduction Act requires federal agencies to evaluate the burden imposed on the public by the collection of information, and to minimize that burden whenever possible.

  • What is the effect of not providing identifying number on my tax return?

    Tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. If you do not provide your identifying number, you may be subject to penalties.

  • How can I learn about my rights under the Privacy Act?

    You may contact the Privacy Act Office at the Department of Health and Human Services, or visit their website at <https://www.hhs.gov/privacy/index.html> for information on your rights under the Privacy Act.


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