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Obrazac 943-X (portorikanska verzija)

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Obrazac 943-X (portorikanska verzija)

Obrazac 943-X (PR) (Rev. Veljača 2023.)

Prilagođena godišnja savezna poreska prijava poslodavca za poljoprivredne zaposlenike ili zahtjev za povrat novca (portorikanska verzija)

Form 943-X (PR) is used to correct overpayments or underpayments of Social Security and Medicare taxes.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • Is a business owner obligated to provide the information requested in Formulario 943-X (PR) subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act?

    A business owner is not required to furnish the information requested on a subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless they present a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number.

  • What information is required on this form?

    The form requires information about the employer's name, address, and EIN, as well as details about wages paid to employees during the tax year.

  • Who needs to file this form?

    An employer who wants to request a credit or refund of FUTA taxes paid under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act must file Form 943-X (PR).

  • What is the estimated time needed to complete and file Formulario 943-X (PR)?

    The estimated time needed to complete and file Formulario 943-X (PR) varies depending on individual circumstances. The average estimated time to complete it is: Maintaining records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23h, 40 min Learning about the law or this form . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 min Preparing and sending this form to the IRS . . . . . . . . . . . 2h, 29 min

  • How can a business owner obtain Formularios, Instructions, and Publicaciones delIRS?

    A business owner can obtain IRS forms, instructions, and publications by visiting IRS.gov/Forms, where they can view, download, or print the forms they need in English. Alternatively, they can place an order for formularios y publicaciones en español a través de IRS.gov/OrderForms y recibirlos por correo. The IRS will process their order as soon as possible. It is not necessary to submit requests that have already been sent.

  • How can a business owner provide feedback on the accuracy of these estimated times or suggest ways to make the Formulario 943-X (PR) simpler?

    A business owner can provide feedback by visiting IRS.gov/FormComments, in English. They can also send their comments to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send the Formulario 943-X (PR) to this address. Instead, see ¿A dónde debe enviar el Formulario 943-X (PR)?, previously.

  • What is Form 943-X (PR) used for?

    Form 943-X (PR) is used to determine the amount of Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) contributions that an employer owes.

  • Is there a time limit for filing this form?

    Yes, Form 943-X (PR) must be filed with the IRS within three years from the close of the tax year or within 120 days after receiving notice of an audit, whichever is later.

  • Where should this form be sent?

    This form should be sent to the Internal Revenue Service Center with jurisdiction over your area. Check IRS.gov for the correct address.

  • What is the purpose of Formulario 943-X (PR) for business owners?

    The Formulario 943-X (PR) para empresarios is used to determine the amount of contributions that must be withheld from employees' wages. The form is required by Subtitle C, Employment Taxes (Contributions on Wages), of the Internal Revenue Code and the patron is required to withhold the contributions. This form is used to calculate and pay the correct amount of contribution.


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