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Obrazac W-7A

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Obrazac W-7A

Obrazac W-7A (Rev. Listopad 2017.)

Zahtjev za identifikacijski broj poreznih obveznika za usvajanja u SAD-u na čekanju

[Form W-7A (Rev. 10-2017)] This taxation form is an Application for Taxpayer Identification Number for pending US adoptions. It includes sections for adoptive parents' information, with fields for their last names, first names, and social security numbers. There are two such sections. The form also requires the address of the adoptive parents. The child's name, birth date, gender, place of birth, and placement agency information are other essential details to be provided. Parents need to sign and provide their daytime phone numbers and dates. They must attach the necessary documentation. The form is subject to perjury and has instructions for Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is an Application for Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN)?

    An ATIN is a temporary tax identification number issued by the IRS to individuals who are not eligible for an SSN but need one for tax purposes related to adopting a child. The ATIN allows adoptive parents to file their income tax returns and claim certain tax benefits until they receive the child's ITIN or EIN.

  • How long does it take to receive an ATIN?

    It usually takes 4–8 weeks to receive an ATIN after filing Form W-7A. You can check on the status of your application by calling 737-800-5511.

  • What documentation is required with Form W-7A?

    Form W-7A must be accompanied by signed and dated documentation proving that the child was placed with the adoptive parents for legal adoption by an authorized placement agency. One of the following documents will satisfy this requirement: a copy of the placement agreement, a copy of the document signed by a hospital official authorizing the release of the newborn child from the hospital to the adoptive parents, a copy of the court order or other court document ordering or approving the placement of the child with the adoptive parents for legal adoption, or an affidavit signed by the adoption attorney or government official who placed the child with the adoptive parents for legal adoption.

  • Where is Form W-7A filed?

    Form W-7A is filed with the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service in Austin, TX.

  • Who needs to sign Form W-7A?

    Both the adoptive parent(s) applying for the ATIN must sign and date the application.

  • What happens after I receive my ATIN?

    Once you receive your ATIN, you can use it to file your income tax return and claim any applicable tax benefits. Once the adoption is finalized, you will need to apply for an ITIN or EIN for the child, which will replace the ATIN.

  • When will I receive my ATIN?

    After submitting Form W-7A and supporting documentation, it usually takes 4-8 weeks to receive your ATIN. The IRS will process your application and send you the temporary tax identification number by mail.

  • What is a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)?

    A TIN is a unique numerical identifier issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals, businesses, and other entities for tax purposes. The most common types of TINs are Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for U.S. citizens and resident aliens, Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) for foreign nationals, and Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) for businesses.

  • What if you changed your name or mailing address after filing Form W-7A?

    If you changed your name or mailing address after filing Form W-7A, you should report this to the Social Security Administration office and use Form 8822 to notify the IRS of the change.

  • What is Form W-7A used for?

    Form W-7A is used by individuals who are in the process of legally adopting a U.S. citizen or resident alien child and cannot obtain an SSN for that child until the adoption is final. This form is used to apply for an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) which can be used on the tax return instead.

  • Can I use my ATIN for other tax purposes?

    No, an ATIN is specifically designed for adoptive parents who need a TIN to file their income tax returns. It cannot be used for any other tax purposes or to apply for an ITIN or EIN.

  • What is required to apply for an ATIN?

    To apply for an ATIN, you must complete Form W-7A and submit it along with supporting documentation, such as proof of your legal relationship with the adoptive child (e.g., adoption decree or placement agreement). The application process typically takes 4-8 weeks.

  • Who is eligible to apply for an ATIN?

    Any individual who is not eligible for an SSN but needs a TIN for tax purposes related to adopting a child can apply for an ATIN. This includes U.S. citizens and resident aliens adopting a child from a foreign country, as well as non-citizens or non-residents adopting a child in the United States.


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