Za nevladine organizacije/dobrotvorne organizacije/zadruge/udruge i klubove/poluvladine institucije/vladine institucije/fond za provident/povjerenstvo/veleposlanstvo/visoke komisije/ druge
This document is an application form for changing taxpayer registration details, applicable for various entities including NGOs, charities, co-ops, associations, clubs, semi-government institutions, government institutions, provident funds, trusts, embassies, high commissions, and others. The form requires the filler to update specific fields that include taxpayer identification number, name in English and local languages, resident status, principal activity of business, preferred language, preferred mode of alert, website URL, premises number, unit number, address including postal code, contact details, mobile number, office number, foreign number for embassies and high commissions, name of contact person, bank information including bank name and account number, authorization with certifying particulars, and signature with date. The form is to be submitted along with supporting documents to the Help Desk at the nearest IRD branch.