Izaberi jezik

Potvrda ispitivača treće strane o ruti ispitivanja vještina

Upotrijebite ovaj obrazac za snimanje ispitne rute koja će se koristiti za provedbu završnog CDL ispita o cestovnim vještinama. Sve rute ispitivanja moraju biti odobrene od strane odjela prije upotrebe.

Form TPT 550 from 10/25/2018 is used to submit test routes for CDL Road Skills Examination approval in Virginia. Companies must provide contact information, address of starting point, pre-trip inspection location, basic skills control location and road skills test directions. The form requires certification that all information is true and accurate, and that the routes comply with regulations. It includes a yes/no grid indicating if each maneuver is graded.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is the purpose of the General Instructions?

    The General Instructions provide guidance on what maneuvers must be included in the skills test route, such as lane changes, intersections, and roadside stops.

  • What are graded maneuvers in a road skills examination?

    Graded maneuvers are road skills maneuvers that are successfully demonstrated by the applicant and scored by the Examiner.

  • What information is required for the Road Skills Test Starting Point?

    The Road Skills Test Starting Point must be entered with the physical address where the test route will start.

  • What information must be provided in the Contact Name field?

    The Contact Name field should contain the name of the contact person (legal name - no nick names).

  • What is the purpose of completing a Skills Test Route Application?

    The purpose of completing a Skills Test Route Application is to provide specific instructions for conducting the road test maneuvers.

  • What maneuvers must be included in the skills test route?

    The skills test route must include 4 left turns, 4 right turns, 1 lane change to left, 1 lane change to right, 1 bridge or underpass, 2 pass through an intersection, 2 stops at an intersection, 1 railroad cross (or simulation), 1 straight section of urban business street, 1 curve to the left, 1 curve to the right, a section of expressway or highway, roadside stop/start, student discharger (if required), and 2 of the 3 maneuvers from weight restriction or traffic sign or low clearance.

  • What are the two types of test routes that should be submitted?

    A primary and secondary test route must be submitted for each application.

  • Who is responsible for printing and signing the certification statement in the application?

    The authorized representative of the third-party tester prints full legal name and signs the certification statement.

  • What should be included in the Certification Statement?

    The Certification Statement must include the Third-Party Tester Representative's full legal name acknowledging certification statement, followed by the authorized representative's full legal name signing and the date of completion.

  • Where should the pre-trip inspection be conducted along the test route?

    The physical address of where the pre-tip inspection will be conducted, if different from the starting point address, should be entered in the application.

  • What information should be submitted for each skills test route application?

    A Skills Test Route Application, a copy of the map outlining the test route, and any additional required documentation such as a company name, contact information, and physical address.


Kako ispuniti Obrazac TPT 550 besplatno, online u 3 jednostavna koraka:

  1. 1
    Otvorite predložak obrasca u uređivaču
    Kliknite na gumb “Preuzmi ovaj predložak”.
  2. 2
    Ispunite Obrazac TPT 550
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  3. 3
    Preuzmi datoteku
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Obrasci zahtjeva za vozačku dozvolu

U većini zemalja obavezno je imati vozačku dozvolu prije nego što krenete na cestu. Stjecanje vozačke dozvole važna je prekretnica za svakoga tko želi voziti automobil.

Obrazac TPT 550 je jedan od obrazaca zahtjeva za vozačku dozvolu koji su dokumenti koji se koriste za prikupljanje informacija od ljudi koji žele podnijeti zahtjev za vozačku dozvolu. Obično sadrži polja za ime podnositelja zahtjeva, datum rođenja, broj osobne iskaznice, podatke za kontakt, kao i povijest vozačke dozvole i iskustvo.


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