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Genealogy Records Request

Use this form to obtain copies of USCIS historical records. (To request an index search of USCIS historical records, use Form G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request.)

This document is a genealogy index search request form used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for individuals seeking historical records related to immigrants. The form requires various personal information about the requestor, including contact details and information about the immigrant being requested. It also requests documentation of death if the immigrant's date of birth is less than 100 years prior to the date of the request. The document is in the format of a PDF with three pages containing various sections for entering information such as family name, given name, middle name, date of birth, naturalization certificate file, alien registration record, visa file, registry file, and additional information section. The form provides instructions for each section.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • Where do I need to file my Form G-1041A?

    You can find the most current information about where to file this request by visiting [www.uscis.gov/G-1041A](http://www.uscis.gov/G-1041A) or calling the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

  • Can I request expedited processing for my Form G-1041A?

    No, Form G-1041A is processed in the order it is received and cannot be expedited. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, you may contact USCIS to discuss your request.

  • What is Form G-1041A used for?

    Form G-1041A, Request for Certified Copies of Immigration and Naturalization Records, is used to request certified copies of immigration and naturalization records from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The form can be used to request information about a person's immigration status, previous applications, or other immigration-related information.

  • What is the purpose of the DHS Privacy Notice?

    The DHS Privacy Notice provides information on the authorities under which the requested information is collected, the purpose for providing the requested information, and how the information will be disclosed. It also explains the paperwork reduction act and tips for filling out the form.

  • Can I request information on a deceased person using Form G-1041A?

    Yes, you can use Form G-1041A to request information about a deceased person. However, please note that there may be privacy restrictions or limitations to the information that can be released due to the individual's death.

  • What is the purpose of certified copies?

    Certified copies are exact duplicates of the original documents held by USCIS. They are used to provide proof of an individual's identity, status, or eligibility for certain benefits, such as employment or government services. Certified copies are signed and sealed by a designated official, attesting to the authenticity of the document.

  • What is the filing fee for Form G-1041A?

    $57.00 for one certification; an additional $85.00 for each additional copy requested in the same request.

  • What is the current valid OMB control number?

    The current valid OMB control number for this collection of information is 1615-0096.

  • What should I do if my check is returned as unpayable?

    If your check is returned as unpayable, USCIS will re-submit the payment to the financial institution one time. If the check is returned as unpayable a second time, they will reject your request and charge you a returned check fee.

  • How can I verify that the fees are correct?

    You can verify the fees by visiting the USCIS website at [www.uscis.gov](http://www.uscis.gov), select 'FORMS,' and check the appropriate fee; or call the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 and ask for fee information.


Kako ispuniti Form G-1041A besplatno, online u 3 jednostavna koraka:

  1. 1
    Otvorite predložak obrasca u uređivaču
    Kliknite na gumb “Preuzmi ovaj predložak”.
  2. 2
    Ispunite Form G-1041A
    Pričekajte trenutak i bit ćete preusmjereni na našu online aplikaciju PDF Filler.
  3. 3
    Preuzmi datoteku
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