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G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action)

  1. Zemlja SAD
  2. Jezik Engleski
  3. Odjel Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action)

Biographic Information

Use this form to provide biographic information when submitting a request for deferred action for certain military service members and their family members, or for non-military deferred action (other than deferred action based on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Violence Against Women Act, A-3, G-5 nonimmigrants, and T and U nonimmigrant visas).

The document is a Deferred Action Request Form G-325A, which requires personal information such as name, date of birth, and current address. It also asks about previous marriages and employment abroad. The form has sections for middle and given names, as well as signature of the applicant.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What happens if I fail to attend my biometric services appointment?

    If you fail to attend your biometric services appointment, USCIS may deny your request for deferred action and any other immigration benefit. It is important to attend the appointment as scheduled or contact USCIS if you need to reschedule.

  • What information is required on Form G-325A?

    Form G-325A requires the applicant or petitioner to provide their full name, date of birth, country of citizenship, current mailing address, and a daytime phone number. Additionally, the form requires the applicant or petitioner to list any previous names they have used, if applicable. The form may also require additional information depending on the specific immigration benefit being applied for.

  • Who needs to file Form G-325A?

    Form G-325A must be filed by the applicant or petitioner, or their representative, for certain USCIS immigration benefits that require biometric services. Some examples include: Adjustment of Status (Form I-485), Naturalization (Form N-400), Temporary Protected Status (Form I-821), Asylum (Form I-589), and Employment Authorization (Form I-765).

  • What is the purpose of collecting my Social Security number on Form G-325A?

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) and USCIS have an agreement to share information regarding the accuracy of Social Security numbers provided on immigration forms. Providing your Social Security number on Form G-325A helps ensure that your application is processed efficiently and accurately.

  • How do I file Form G-325A?

    Form G-325A must be filed online through USCIS's website or at a USCIS office. If filing online, you will need to create an account and complete the registration process before being able to file the form. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation notice with your biometric services appointment date and time.

  • What is Form G-325A?

    Form G-325A, Biometric Services Appointment/Interview Information and Documentation, is used to provide USCIS with information regarding the identity of the applicant or petitioner for various immigration benefits. It is also used to request biometric services appointments and reschedule previously scheduled appointments.

  • How long does it take to process Form G-325A?

    The processing time for Form G-325A varies depending on the specific immigration benefit being applied for and the workload of USCIS. You can check the processing times for various forms and benefits on the USCIS website.

  • What are the penalties for falsifying Form G-325A?

    Knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or submitting a false document with your Form G-325A, may result in denial of your request for deferred action and any other immigration benefit. You may also face severe penalties provided by law and be subject to criminal prosecution.


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