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Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

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  2. Jezik Engleski
  3. Odjel Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

If you are inadmissible to the United States and are seeking an immigrant visa, adjustment of status, certain nonimmigrant statuses, or certain other immigration benefits, you must file this form to seek a waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility. Please refer to the instructions to determine whether you should use this form. You must submit all 12 pages.

The I-601 form is used for requesting a waiver of the requirement for an alien to be admitted to or maintained in the United States only if they have a communicable disease of public health significance, such as tuberculosis. This document outlines the instructions for completing the form, including sections for the applicant, physician, and local and state health departments.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is the purpose of filing Form I-601?

    Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, is used to apply for a waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility to the United States under specific provisions of U.S. immigration law.

  • What are the common grounds of inadmissibility that can be waived?

    Some common grounds of inadmissibility that can be waived include: having a communicable disease, being involved in prostitution or other unlawful commercialized vice, illegal drug use or possession, misrepresentation of a material fact, and engagement in activities deemed contrary to the national interest.

  • Can Form I-601 be filed in court?

    Yes, Form I-601 can be filed with the Immigration Court in conjunction with an application for relief from removal from the United States. In this case, the court will use the information provided on the form to grant or deny the requested waiver.

  • Who can file the Form I-601?

    Individuals who are not admissible to the United States under U.S. immigration law, including those with criminal records, may file the Form I-601 to request a waiver of inadmissibility.

  • What is the purpose of filing the Form I-601?

    The purpose of filing the Form I-601 is to request a waiver of any grounds of inadmissibility and gain admission into the United States.

  • What supporting documents are required with Form I-601?

    The specific supporting documents required with Form I-601 vary depending on the grounds for which waiver is being sought. Commonly required documents include: police certificates, medical examination reports, birth and marriage certificates, affidavits of support, and proof of payment of filing fees.

  • Where can I find more information about the Form I-601?

    More information about the Form I-601 can be found on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website or by contacting a qualified immigration attorney.

  • What happens if false information is provided on Form I-601?

    Providing false or misleading information on Form I-601 can result in denial of the application, denial of any other pending or future immigration benefits, and may even lead to criminal prosecution.

  • What is an example of grounds of inadmissibility?

    Grounds of inadmissibility can include criminal history, previous deportations or exclusion orders, immigration violations, and misrepresentation of facts on a prior application.

  • What is the Form I-601?

    The Form I-601 is an application used to request a waiver of inadmissibility for individuals who are not eligible for admission into the United States.

  • What are the eligibility requirements for Form I-601?

    To be eligible for Form I-601, the individual must demonstrate extreme hardship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse, parent or child. Additionally, the individual must have been absent from the United States for at least one year prior to filing.

  • Can I file the Form I-601 myself?

    Yes, individuals can represent themselves in immigration proceedings. However, it is recommended to consult with an experienced immigration attorney for guidance and support throughout the process.


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