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Form I-800A Supplement 3, Request for Action on Approved Form I-800A

  1. Zemlja SAD
  2. Jezik Engleski
  3. Odjel Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
Form I-800A Supplement 3, Request for Action on Approved Form I-800A

Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

USCIS uses this form to adjudicate the eligibility and suitability of the applicant(s) who want to adopt a child who habitually resides in a Hague Adoption Convention country.

The instructions provide a checklist of items to be included when filing Form I-800A, Supplement 3 with USCIS. This form is used to request an extension or make certain changes to a previously approved Form I-800A approval notice. The instructions outline the specific circumstances under which each type of filing is permitted and the required documentation for each situation.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is Form I-800A used for?

    Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country, is used by intending adoptive parents to apply for a finding that they meet the suitability requirements under U.S. immigration law for adopting a child from a convention country.

  • What is the purpose of Form I-800A?

    The purpose of Form I-800A is to request the approval of a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for an alien child to be adopted by a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.

  • What fees apply to Form I-800A?

    $720 for each adopted child, plus an $85 biometric services fee for each person required to give a fingerprint and/or photograph.

  • Who can file Form I-800A?

    Intending adoptive parents, whether married or single, who plan to adopt a child from a convention country can file Form I-800A. However, if you are adopting jointly with your spouse, both spouses must sign the form.

  • What documents are required to file Form I-800A?

    To file Form I-800A, you will need to submit several documents including: a completed and signed Form I-800A; passport biographic pages of both adoptive parents; proof of U.S. citizenship or nationality; police certificates; medical reports or forms from a physician or public health agency; and other documentation as required by the instructions for Form I-800A.

  • How long does it take to get a decision on Form I-800A?

    Processing times for Form I-800A vary depending on the USCIS office and workload. You can check the current processing times by visiting the USCIS website or calling the National Customer Service Center.

  • What is the validity period of Form I-800A?

    The validity period of Form I-800A is 15 months from the date that USCIS was notified of your fingerprint record check results.

  • What is the fee for filing Form I-800A?

    The fee for filing Form I-800A is currently $775, which includes the filing fee and biometric services fee. However, you should check with USCIS to confirm the current fees as they are subject to change.


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