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Form N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

  1. Zemlja SAD
  2. Jezik Engleski
  3. Odjel Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
Form N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

Use this form if you are a lawful permanent resident who must leave the United States for a period of one year or longer to engage in qualifying employment and you want to preserve your residence to pursue naturalization. In general, you must have been physically present in the United States as an LPR for an uninterrupted period of at least 1 year prior to working outside the U.S.

This is a guide on how to complete Form N-470, Application to Register a Child Born Abroad, for US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The form requires applicants to provide personal information, including their full name, date and place of birth, current address, and mailing address. Applicants must also provide information about their parents or guardians, including their full names, addresses, and A-numbers if applicable. The form also includes sections for the interpreter's and preparer's contact information and certifications.

Oznake za pretraživanje

  • Where should Form N-470 be filed?

    Form N-470 can be filed at any USCIS office or asylum office. It cannot be filed online.

  • What information is required in Form N-470?

    Form N-470 requires the following information:

    1. Filer's personal information (name, address, date and place of birth, gender, and USCIS number if applicable)

    2. Noncitizen filer's proof of lawful admission or parole, asylee or refugee status

    3. Spouse's personal information (full name, gender, and A-number or I-94 number if applicable)

    4. Marriage details (date of marriage, place of marriage, and number of previous marriages for each spouse)

  • What are the penalties for falsifying information on Form N-470?

    Penalties for falsifying or concealing material facts, or submitting false documents with Form N-470, include denial of the form and potential criminal prosecution.

  • Who can file Form N-470?

    Form N-470 can be filed by U.S. citizens and certain noncitizens who wish to register their marriage with USCIS. Noncitizen filers must provide proof of lawful admission into the United States or of parole, asylee or refugee status.

  • What is Form N-470 used for?

    Form N-470, Application to Register a Notice of Marriage, is used by U.S. citizens and certain noncitizens to register their marriage with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This form does not grant any immigration benefits but allows USCIS to create or update the Systematic Alien Registration File (SARF) to reflect the marriage.


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