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This document is a form for declaring a manufactured home an improvement to real property in Montana. It requires the Manufactured Home Owner to provide information such as their name, mailing address, and real property details including assessor code/geo code, physical address, and legal description. The owner must also certify that statements made are true and that the home is attached to a permanent foundation with its running gear removed. Signatures of secured parties, if any, are required for elimination of title and declaration as an improvement to real property. The form must be recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office and surrendered to the county treasurer along with a fee.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What is the process for declaring a manufactured home as an improvement to real property?

    To declare a manufactured home as an improvement to real property, you need to ensure all taxes, interest, and penalties on the manufactured home have been paid in full. Complete a Statement of Intent (Form MV72) in its entirety, including the signatures of all secured parties and the landowner (if the landowner is not the owner of the manufactured home). Submit the Statement to the Clerk and Recorder's office of the county where the real property is located. Upon receipt from the Motor Vehicle Division, submit a certified copy to the local Department of Revenue, Property Assessment Division field office. If at any point in the future you wish to remove the manufactured home from the real property, obtain a Reversal of Declaration of Manufactured Home as an Improvement to Real Property (Form MV73) from your county treasurer's office and re-title the manufactured home.

  • What fees are due when submitting a Statement of Intent?

    Recording fees will be due at the time of submission to the Clerk and Recorder's office. A certified copy, the certificate of origin or certificate of title for the manufactured home, and a $10.30 fee (including a 3% administration fee per § 61-3-111, MCA) must also be submitted to the county treasurer's office.

  • What is a manufactured home?

    A manufactured home is a residential dwelling built in a factory according to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development code and federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

  • What is the process if I wish to remove the manufactured home from the real property?

    To remove a manufactured home from the real property, obtain a Reversal of Declaration of Manufactured Home as an Improvement to Real Property (Form MV73) from your county treasurer's office and re-title the manufactured home.

  • What are some examples of manufactured homes that cannot be declared as an improvement to real property?

    Manufactured homes that exceed 8 feet in width or 45 feet in length, designed to be moved from one place to another by an independent power connected to them, trailers, house-trailers, or trailer coaches used as a principal residence, mobile homes or house-trailers constructed before the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards went into effect on June 15, 1976, cannot be declared as an improvement to real property.

  • What does it mean for a manufactured home to be considered an improvement to real property?

    A manufactured home is considered an improvement to real property if it is attached to a permanent foundation on land that is owned or being purchased by the owner of the manufactured home, Indian trust land allotted, leased, or subleased to the owner of the manufactured home, or owned by another person with the permission of that landowner. The running gear must also be removed.


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