Izaberi jezik

Obrazac MV73 Montana

  1. Jezik Engleski
  2. Zemlja SAD
  3. Aktivnost Registracija vozila
  4. država Montana
Obrazac MV73 Montana

Preokret deklaracije proizvedenog doma kao poboljšanje nekretnina

Koristi se za poništavanje deklaracije proizvedenog doma kao poboljšanja nekretnine kada se preseli s te nekretnine.

This document is a form for requesting the reversal of a declaration of a manufactured home as an improvement to real property in Montana. The form requires the manufactured home owner's name, mailing address, city, state, and zip code. Real property assessor codes/geocodes, physical addresses, legal descriptions, deed referencing, and real property ownership are also required. The document allows for the designation of secured parties and their signatures to restore the title/certificate of origin. Statements regarding the accuracy of the information provided and intent to reverse the declaration are required. The form must be recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office, with a fee paid and a certified copy surrendered to the county treasurer.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • What fee is paid at the Motor Vehicle Division upon the reversal of a manufactured home's declaration as real property?

    $10.30, which includes a 3% administration fee.

  • What is the role of the Clerk and Recorder's office in the process of reversing a manufactured home's declaration as real property?

    The Clerk and Recorder's office records the Reversal of Declaration and forwards it to the County Treasurer's Office.

  • What is the process for reversing the declaration of a manufactured home as an improvement to real property?

    Upon receipt of the Statement from the Motor Vehicle Division: resubmit it to the Clerk and Recorder’s office; and submit a certified copy to the local Department of Revenue, Property Assessment Division field office. The process is then complete.

  • What is the definition of a mobile home or house-trailer?

    A mobile home or house-trailer constructed before the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards went into effect on June 15, 1976. A mobile home older than 1977 cannot be detitled.

  • What is a manufactured home?

    A manufactured home means a residential dwelling built in a factory in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development code and federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

  • What information must be submitted to the local Department of Revenue upon the reversal of a manufactured home's declaration as real property?

    A certified copy of the Statement from the Motor Vehicle Division.

  • What types of structures are excluded from being considered manufactured homes for tax purposes in Montana?

    Trailers, house-trailers, trailer coaches, mobile homes, and house-trailers constructed before 1976 are excluded. Trailers and semi-trailers designed as dwelling places or living abodes and used permanently or temporarily for transportation are also excluded.

  • What is required for a manufactured home to be considered real property for tax purposes in Montana?

    A manufactured home can be considered real property for tax purposes if the running gear is removed and it is attached to a permanent foundation on land that is either owned by the owner of the manufactured home, Indian trust land allotted, leased, or subleased to the owner, or owned by another person with permission.

  • What is required for the county treasurer to reject any form that has been altered?

    Montana county and state authorities reserve the right to reject any form that has been altered.

  • What is required to process a Reversal of Declaration form?

    Be sure that all taxes, interest, and penalties on the manufactured home have been paid in full to the county treasurer; otherwise, a Reversal of Declaration cannot be processed. Complete a Reversal of Declaration (Form MV73) in its entirety (both pages), including the signatures, where required, of all secured parties and the owner of the real property if another person. Submit the Reversal of Declaration to the Clerk and Recorder’s office of the county in which the real property is located. Record fees will be due at that time; the Clerk and Recorder’s Office will forward the recorded Declaration to the County Treasurer’s Office; the County Treasurer’s Office will collect the fee of $10.30 (fee includes 3% administration fee per § 61-3-111, MCA), enter the record in the motor vehicle system, and forward the Declaration to the Motor Vehicle Division; the Motor Vehicle Division will restore the title or certificate of original and return the Reversal of Declaration to the owner. Upon receipt of the Statement from the Motor Vehicle Division: resubmit it to the Clerk and Recorder’s office; and submit a certified copy to the local Department of Revenue, Property Assessment Division field office.


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Obrasci za registraciju vozila

Obrazac MV73 je jedan od DMV obrazaca, također poznatih kao obrasci Odjela za motorna vozila, koji su dokumenti koji se koriste u raznim transakcijama i procesima povezanim s motornim vozilima. DMV je državna agencija odgovorna za izdavanje vozačkih dozvola, registraciju vozila i provođenje zakona o motornim vozilima. Specifični dostupni DMV obrasci mogu se razlikovati ovisno o nadležnosti, ali evo nekoliko uobičajenih primjera:

Obrasci za vozačku dozvolu: Ovi se obrasci koriste za podnošenje zahtjeva za vozačku dozvolu ili za traženje promjena ili obnavljanja. Obično zahtijevaju osobne podatke, dokaz identiteta i mogu uključivati ​​odjeljke za medicinske podatke ili povijest vožnje.

Obrasci za registraciju vozila: Ovi se obrasci koriste za registraciju motornog vozila kod DMV-a. Zahtijevaju podatke o vozilu, podatke o vlasništvu i dokaz o osiguranju.

Obrasci za prijenos vlasništva: Prilikom kupnje ili prodaje vozila, ovi se obrasci koriste za prijenos vlasništva s jedne strane na drugu. Zahtijevaju podatke o kupcu, prodavatelju, pojedinosti o vozilu, a mogu uključivati ​​i račun o prodaji.

Obrasci za oslobađanje od odgovornosti za vozilo: Prilikom prodaje ili prijenosa vlasništva nad vozilom, ovi obrasci obavještavaju DMV da prodavatelj više nije odgovoran za vozilo. Pomaže u zaštiti prodavatelja od odgovornosti za nezgode ili incidente koji uključuju vozilo nakon prodaje.

Obrasci za obnovu registarske pločice i registracije: Ovi se obrasci koriste za obnovu registracije vozila ili traženje novih registarskih pločica. Obično zahtijevaju informacije o registriranom vlasniku, podatke o trenutnoj registraciji i plaćanje primjenjivih naknada.

Obrasci zahtjeva za evidenciju vožnje: Ovi obrasci omogućuju pojedincima da zatraže svoju evidenciju vožnje od DMV-a, koja pruža informacije o prekršajima vožnje, statusu dozvole i drugim relevantnim detaljima.

Obrasci posebnih ili personaliziranih registarskih pločica: Ovi se obrasci koriste za podnošenje zahtjeva za personalizirane ili specijalizirane registarske pločice, koje omogućuju pojedincima da prilagode svoje registarske pločice određenim znakovima ili dizajnom.

Ovo je samo nekoliko primjera od mnogih obrazaca koji mogu biti dostupni putem DMV-a. Specifični obrasci i zahtjevi mogu se razlikovati ovisno o nadležnosti, stoga je važno konzultirati lokalnu web stranicu DMV-a ili posjetiti ured DMV-a kako biste dobili ispravne obrasce za svoje posebne potrebe.


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