ფორმა 1442i შაბლონი
PDF დოკუმენტის სანახავად და შევსების ფუნქციების ტრადიციული ნაკრებით, ვებ აპლიკაციის უპირატესობებთან და საპასუხო განლაგებასთან ერთად, შეგიძლიათ შეავსოთ ფორმა 1442i წუთებში.
The Australian Department of Home Affairs handles various types of applications, including those related to immigration, border control, and security. They collect personal information for these purposes and may share it with Australian and international partners. The department follows privacy regulations and has measures in place to protect personal data. Applicants can request access to their information and correct any errors.
Yes, you can access the privacy policy of the Australian Department of Home Affairs online at https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/access-and-accountability/our-commitments/privacy.
The Australian Department of Home Affairs will not disclose information about your home country to you, except where it relates to the application of the law in Australia or where it refuses your application due to concerns that you are not a genuine refugee.
The Australian Department of Home Affairs can collect and share personal information such as your name, address, identification documents, immigration status, immigration history, and other relevant information for the purpose of verification of identity.
Yes, the Australian Department of Home Affairs can share your personal information with countries and organizations that have sharing agreements with Australia. This includes countries such as the United States, Canada, and New Zealand.
The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for immigration and border control in Australia.
You can contact the Australian Department of Home Affairs for immigration and border control related queries by calling 131 881 during business hours in Australia, or through diplomatic channels if you are outside of Australia.
PDF დოკუმენტის სანახავად და შევსების ფუნქციების ტრადიციული ნაკრებით, ვებ აპლიკაციის უპირატესობებთან და საპასუხო განლაგებასთან ერთად, შეგიძლიათ შეავსოთ ფორმა 1442i წუთებში.
ონლაინ ფორმა 1442i-ის შევსების უმარტივესი გზა
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