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1442i - კონფიდენციალურობის შეტ

This privacy policy explains how personal information collected and used for immigration research, services, and events by the Australian Home Affairs Department. It also covers data transfer and sharing with international organizations and governments.

მოძებნეთ ტეგები

  • What is the purpose of a 'contributory parent visa'?

    A 'contributory parent visa' allows a person in Australia to sponsor their parents to migrate to Australia as permanent residents. The applicant must meet certain income and assets requirements, and provide financial support to their parents during the application process.

  • How long does it take to process a protection visa application?

    The processing time for a protection visa application can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the case and the workload of the immigration office. It generally takes between 6 months to 2 years.

  • What is the purpose of a 'no further action' outcome for an asylum seeker's claim?

    A 'no further action' outcome means that the immigration department has assessed an asylum seeker's claim and found that there are no grounds for granting protection visa. This outcome indicates that the person does not meet the legal criteria for protection in Australia.

  • What is the minimum income requirement for a partner visa application?

    The minimum income requirement for a partner visa application depends on several factors, such as the applicant's occupation, qualifications, and experience. It generally ranges from AUD 53,869 to AUD 118,860 per year.

  • How can a person prove they have enough funds for a visitor visa application?

    A person can prove they have enough funds for a visitor visa application by providing financial documents such as bank statements, investment records, and proof of income. The Department of Home Affairs may also require additional documentation or an interview to verify the applicant's finances.

  • What information is typically required for a work visa application?

    Typically, a person needs to provide documentation such as a valid passport, proof of education and qualifications, proof of employment or business experience, and a letter from the employer or sponsor. They may also need to undergo a medical examination and meet language proficiency requirements.

  • Can a person apply for both a visitor visa and a work visa at the same time?

    No, a person cannot apply for both a visitor visa and a work visa at the same time. They must choose one option or the other.

  • Under what circumstances might personal information be disclosed to foreign countries or international organizations?

    Personal information may be disclosed to foreign countries or international organizations for various reasons, such as data processing and storage arrangements with service providers or IT contractors, pre-clearance procedures with airlines or travel agents, or under information sharing agreements between governments. This could include sensitive information such as biometric data. Personal information is only disclosed in accordance with Australian law and relevant international obligations.

  • What is the difference between a temporary resident visa and a permanent resident visa?

    A temporary resident visa allows a person to live in Australia temporarily, while a permanent resident visa allows them to live in Australia permanently. A temporary resident can apply for a permanent resident visa after meeting certain criteria and waiting for a certain period of time.

  • What is the definition of a 'non-citizen'?

    'Non-citizen' refers to any person who does not have Australian citizenship, whether they are currently residing in Australia or overseas. It can include permanent residents and temporary residents.

  • How can a person check their visa application status online?

    A person can check their visa application status by logging into the Department of Home Affairs website and using their application reference number. They may also receive updates via email or SMS notifications.

  • What information does the Australian Border Force disclose about individuals?

    The Australian Border Force may disclose personal information for various purposes, including immigration and border control, law enforcement, and statistical and research purposes. Information may be shared with government agencies, both domestic and international, as well as service providers and contractors. Some information may also be made publicly available through the Australian Bureau of Statistics or other means. Individuals have the right to access and correct their personal information held by the Australian Border Force, and can lodge complaints about privacy violations.


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    დააწკაპუნეთ ღილაკზე „ამ შაბლონის მიღება“.
  2. 2
    შეავსეთ ფორმა 1442i
    დაელოდეთ ცოტა ხანს და თქვენ გადამისამართდებით ჩვენს ონლაინ PDF Filler აპლიკაციაში.
  3. 3
    Გადმოწერეთ ფაილი
    ჩამოტვირთეთ თქვენი დასრულებული ფორმა 1442i უფასოდ. თქვენ ასევე შეგიძლიათ შეინახოთ იგი ღრუბლოვან საცავში.
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    გაინტერესებთ როგორ შეავსოთ ფორმა 1442i Mac-ზე, ან იქნებ როგორ გამოიყენოთ PDF შემავსებელი უფასოდ? ჩვენი ონლაინ PDF ინსტრუმენტები მუშაობს ყველა პლატფორმაზე.
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  • ჩატი ფორმა 1442i-ით
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