ფორმა 1442i შაბლონი
PDF დოკუმენტის სანახავად და შევსების ფუნქციების ტრადიციული ნაკრებით, ვებ აპლიკაციის უპირატესობებთან და საპასუხო განლაგებასთან ერთად, შეგიძლიათ შეავსოთ ფორმა 1442i წუთებში.
The Australian Department of Home Affairs shares personal data with foreign IT organizations for processing and storage, including airlines or border control agencies for passenger preclearance and electronic travel authorization. The Department also exchanges data with countries and international organizations under data-sharing agreements, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, which may involve biometric data sharing.
Yes, if there is a match between your biographic information and that of another person, the department may share your biometric data with relevant agencies and governments for identity verification purposes.
Your personal information will be used to process and assess your visa application, as well as for other lawful purposes such as identity verification, security checks, and public health requirements.
The Department of Home Affairs (HomeAffairs) will handle your visa application.
If you apply for a visa based on humanitarian grounds or protection against persecution, the department will not share your personal information with the relevant country unless it is necessary to verify your identity or assess your application.
Yes, the department may share your personal information with various agencies, organizations, and governments for the purpose of processing and assessing your visa application. This could include law enforcement agencies, aviation and maritime security agencies, and other government departments.
PDF დოკუმენტის სანახავად და შევსების ფუნქციების ტრადიციული ნაკრებით, ვებ აპლიკაციის უპირატესობებთან და საპასუხო განლაგებასთან ერთად, შეგიძლიათ შეავსოთ ფორმა 1442i წუთებში.
ონლაინ ფორმა 1442i-ის შევსების უმარტივესი გზა
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