2021 წლის განრიგი G (ფორმა 990 ან 990-EZ)
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია ფონდების შეგროვების ან სათამაშო
Schedule G is a supplemental form for organizations to report their fundraising and gaming activities. It applies if the organization answered yes on Form 990, Part IV, lines 2b(i) and (v), or reported over $15,000 on Form 990-EZ, line 6a. The form includes three parts: I, II, and III. Part I requires the organization to report their revenue, direct expenses, net income summary, percentage of gaming activity conducted in their facility or outside facility, and name and address of person who prepares the organization’s gaming/special events books and records. The form also includes supplemental information required by Part I, line 2b(ii) and (v), and any additional information. Part II is for reporting fundraising activities. Organizations must report their revenue, direct expenses, net income summary, and percentages of fundraising conducted in their facility or outside facility. Part III is for reporting gaming activities. Organizations must report their gross revenue, cash prizes, noncash prizes, rent/facility costs, volunteer labor, and other direct expenses. They also need to enter the state(s) where they conduct gaming activities and provide information about any third-party contracts. The form includes additional lines for providing explanations required by Part I, line 2b(iii), (v), and Part III, lines 9, 9b, 10b, 15b, 15c, 16, and 17b. The organization also needs to provide any additional information as required.