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Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor

The form is used by a standalone investor to petition USCIS for status as an immigrant to the United States under section 203(b)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended.

The form I-526, Immigrant Petition is an application submitted to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for an alien to request immigrant status based on family relationship or employment. The instructions provide detailed information on how to complete the petition, including what documents are required and where to file it. It also explains the process of filing electronically through USCIS's online system.

მოძებნეთ ტეგები

  • What is the processing time for Form I-526?

    The processing time for Form I-526 can vary depending on the USCIS service center that is processing the application. As of March 2023, the current processing times are listed on the USCIS website.

  • What is a Targeted Employment Area (TEA)?

    A TEA is a geographic area designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security under section 303 of the Jobs Act. The designation is intended to promote economic growth and increase employment in areas of high unemployment or low income.

  • What is Form I-526?

    Form I-526 is a petition that foreign investors file with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to obtain an immigrant visa under the EB-5 program. The EB-5 program is a U.S. government program that provides a pathway for aliens who have invested or are in the process of investing lawfully obtained capital in the United States to become permanent residents.

  • What is the minimum investment required for EB-5?

    $1,050,000 if the investor is investing in a targeted employment area or $1,800,000 if the investor is not investing in a targeted employment area. These amounts are adjusted for inflation every year.

  • What is the EB-5 program?

    The EB-5 program is a U.S. government program that provides a pathway for aliens who have invested or are in the process of investing lawfully obtained capital in the United States to become permanent residents. The program was created by Congress in 1990 and has been reauthorized several times since then.

  • What are the requirements for Form I-526?

    The petition must be signed by the investor or their authorized representative. The petitioner must provide evidence that they have lawfully obtained capital and invested it in a new commercial enterprise in the United States that will create full-time jobs for not fewer than ten qualifying employees.

  • Who can file Form I-526?

    Foreign nationals can file Form I-526, but they must first be approved by the USCIS as a qualified investor under the EB-5 program. The petition must also be signed by the investor or their authorized representative.


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    გახსენით ფორმის შაბლონი რედაქტორში
    დააწკაპუნეთ ღილაკზე „ამ შაბლონის მიღება“.
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    შეავსეთ Form I-526
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    ჩამოტვირთეთ თქვენი დასრულებული Form I-526 უფასოდ. თქვენ ასევე შეგიძლიათ შეინახოთ იგი ღრუბლოვან საცავში.
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Form I-526 შაბლონი

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  • ფაილების უსაფრთხო შენახვა
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