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Აირჩიეთ ენა

Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member

Use this form if you are a household member and want to promise to make your income and/or assets available to help support a sponsored immigrant.

This is a guide on how to fill out Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member. It includes instructions for filling out Parts 1 through 9 of the form.

მოძებნეთ ტეგები

  • Who must file Form I-864A?

    The sponsor and all household members (over 18 years old) who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, must file Form I-864A.

  • What information is required in Form I-864A?

    Form I-864A requires the sponsor's personal information, household size, income and employment details, and signature. Household members must also provide their personal information and signature.

  • What is the purpose of providing the requested information on Form I-864A?

    The primary purpose for providing the requested information on Form I-864A is to show that the applying immigrant has adequate means of financial support without concern of becoming reliant on the U.S. Government for financial support.

  • What are the consequences of failing to provide a change of address notice?

    Failing to provide a change of address notice as required by law may result in a civil penalty, depending on whether the sponsored immigrant has received means-tested public benefits.

  • What is Form I-864A?

    Form I-864A, also known as the Affidavit of Support, is a legal contract between a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (the sponsor) and an immigrant (the intending immigrant) that demonstrates the sponsor's ability to support the immigrant without becoming a public charge. The form is used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to evaluate immigration petitions.

  • What is the paperwork reduction act number for Form I-864A?

    OMB No. 1615-0075

  • What are the requirements for Form I-864A?

    To file a valid Form I-864A, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder), and the sponsored immigrant must be a family member of the sponsor. The form requires information on both parties, including personal details, income and assets, employment history, and any public benefits received. You must also submit supporting documents for your income and assets.

  • Can I submit Form I-864A late?

    You should submit Form I-864A as soon as possible after your intending immigrant receives an immigration benefit notice. Late submissions may result in additional fees or delays, and failure to provide the necessary financial support could lead to the revocation of the petition.

  • What is a routine use of the information provided on Form I-864A?

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may share the information you provide on this contract with other Federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies and authorized organizations.

  • What is the purpose of Form I-864A?

    The primary purpose of Form I-864A is to demonstrate that the sponsor can financially support the immigrant without relying on public assistance. The form helps USCIS evaluate immigration petitions and determine whether the intending immigrant meets the requirements for a visa or green card.

  • What happens if I don't submit Form I-864A?

    If you are a sponsor and do not submit Form I-864A, your intending immigrant may be unable to obtain the visa or green card they need. The form is mandatory for some family-based petitions and some employment-based petitions. Failure to provide sufficient evidence of financial support can lead to a denial of the petition.

  • Are there any penalties for falsifying Form I-864A?

    Yes, there are severe penalties for falsifying or misrepresenting information on Form I-864A. This can include fines, imprisonment, and the possibility of being barred from immigration benefits in the future.


როგორ შეავსოთ Form I-864A უფასოდ, ონლაინ 3 მარტივ ნაბიჯში:

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    გახსენით ფორმის შაბლონი რედაქტორში
    დააწკაპუნეთ ღილაკზე „ამ შაბლონის მიღება“.
  2. 2
    შეავსეთ Form I-864A
    დაელოდეთ ცოტა ხანს და თქვენ გადამისამართდებით ჩვენს ონლაინ PDF Filler აპლიკაციაში.
  3. 3
    Გადმოწერეთ ფაილი
    ჩამოტვირთეთ თქვენი დასრულებული Form I-864A უფასოდ. თქვენ ასევე შეგიძლიათ შეინახოთ იგი ღრუბლოვან საცავში.
PDF შემავსებლის აპლიკაციის ფორმირება

Form I-864A შაბლონი

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    გაინტერესებთ როგორ შეავსოთ Form I-864A Mac-ზე, ან იქნებ როგორ გამოიყენოთ PDF შემავსებელი უფასოდ? ჩვენი ონლაინ PDF ინსტრუმენტები მუშაობს ყველა პლატფორმაზე.
  • ფაილების უსაფრთხო შენახვა
    დასრულებული „Form I-864A“ ფაილები ინახება დაცულ მონაცემთა ბაზაში, რომელსაც მართავს Amazon Cloud ჰოსტინგი. თქვენ შეგიძლიათ წაშალოთ თქვენი ფაილები ჩვენი სისტემიდან ნებისმიერ დროს. ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაში, ეს ფაილები ავტომატურად იშლება 24 საათის შემდეგ.
  • ჩატი Form I-864A-ით
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