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Form 1466 Australia

  1. Language English
  2. Country Australia
  3. Activity Fees and charges
Form 1466 Australia

1466 - Advance passenger processing infringemtment Request for extension of payment date

A request for extension of payment date for infringements incurred during Advance Passenger Processing is made by the authorized representative of the aircraft operator. The document provides instructions on how to apply for this extension and details the required attachments. An authorised officer will consider the reason for the extension request before granting an extension, if deemed appropriate.

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  • Who can request an extension of the payment date for an infringement notice?

    An authorised representative of the operator can formally request an extension of the payment date for an infringement notice.

  • What are the circumstances under which an extension for payment can be granted?

    An extension for payment of an infringement notice can be granted if the authorised officer is satisfied that it is proper to do so, whether or not the period of 28 days after the date of service of the notice has expired.

  • Can an extension for payment of an infringement notice be granted?

    Yes, an extension for payment of an infringement notice can be granted by an authorised officer.

  • What is the email address to which completed forms and attachments should be sent?

    Completed forms and attachments should be sent to [](


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Fees and Charges Forms

Form 1466 is one of documents that are used by organizations or businesses to disclose and outline the various fees and charges associated with their products or services. These forms provide transparency and clarity to customers regarding the costs they can expect to incur. The specific content and format of these forms can vary depending on the industry and the nature of the fees and charges involved. Here are some examples of forms that fall under the category of "Fees and Charges":

Fee Schedule: A fee schedule is a document that lists the fees charged by a business or service provider for specific products, services, or transactions. It typically includes a description of each fee, the amount or rate charged, and any applicable terms or conditions.

Price List: A price list is a form or document that outlines the prices of various goods or services offered by a business. It may include the base price, additional fees, taxes, and any other charges associated with the products or services.

Billing Statement: A billing statement is a form sent to customers on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.) that provides a summary of their account activity and the corresponding charges. It itemizes the fees and charges incurred during a specific billing period, such as usage fees, subscription fees, late payment fees, or interest charges.

Loan or Mortgage Disclosure Forms: When obtaining a loan or a mortgage, borrowers are often provided with disclosure forms that detail the fees and charges associated with the loan. These forms may include information about origination fees, application fees, appraisal fees, closing costs, and other costs related to the borrowing process.

Credit Card Agreement: Credit card companies provide customers with a credit card agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of card usage, including fees and charges. This form typically includes details about annual fees, late payment fees, balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, and other charges that may apply to credit card transactions.

Utility or Service Contracts: Utility companies or service providers may have forms or contracts that outline the fees and charges associated with their services, such as electricity, water, cable, or internet. These forms disclose the rates, connection fees, service charges, and any other costs related to the provision of the utility or service.

The specific forms used to disclose fees and charges may vary by industry, jurisdiction, and the specific organization or business involved. It's important for businesses to provide clear and accurate information regarding fees and charges to ensure transparency and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


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