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Form 1392 Australia

  1. Language English
  2. Country Australia
  3. Activity Health
Form 1392 Australia

1392 - Pregnancy health undertaking

The document is a form for pregnant visa applicants who have not undergone chest x-rays as part of their visa application due to pregnancy. The form, called Pregnancy health undertaking Form1392, requires the applicant to agree to undergo a chest x-ray at an Australian health clinic after giving birth and any necessary treatment or investigation. Applicants must contact the Migration Medical Services Provider within 9 months of visa grant to report to the assigned health clinic and provide a copy of this document. The form also requires applicants to give their passport details, visa application details, and contact information in Australia. The Department and relevant authorities need to release health information for monitoring the pregnancy health undertaking, with consent from the applicant.

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  • Do I need to inform the Migration Medical Services Provider each time I change my address?

    Yes, you must inform the Migration Medical Services Provider each time you change your address in Australia throughout the period during which your health is being monitored.

  • What is a pregnancy health undertaking for?

    Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease of public concern in Australia and a chest x-ray is the best screening tool for active tuberculosis. You have been asked to sign a pregnancy health undertaking because you have not undergone a chest x-ray.

  • Who is required to sign a pregnancy health undertaking?

    A pregnancy health undertaking is required for pregnant visa applicants who have not had the required chest x-ray.

  • Can I be granted a visa without giving accurate information about my intended duration of stay?

    No, giving false or misleading information is a serious offence that can result in visa refusal or cancellation.

  • Do I need to contact the Migration Medical Services Provider within 9 months of my visa grant?

    Yes, you must contact the Migration Medical Services Provider within 9 months of your visa grant to report any changes in your address and health status.


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Medicare Application Forms

Form 1392 is one of Medicare forms that are documents used in the administration of the Medicare program, which is a federal health insurance program in the United States primarily for individuals aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities or specific medical conditions. These forms are used for various purposes related to enrolling in, managing, and accessing Medicare benefits. Here are some common Medicare forms:

Medicare Application Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-40B, are used to apply for Medicare benefits, including Part A (hospital insurance) and/or Part B (medical insurance). They require personal information, such as name, address, Social Security number, and information about current health insurance coverage.

Medicare Enrollment Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-855B for healthcare providers, are used by healthcare professionals, suppliers, and organizations to enroll in the Medicare program. They gather information about the provider or organization and their qualifications to participate in Medicare.

Medicare Claim Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-1500 or UB-04, are used to submit claims for reimbursement of medical services rendered to Medicare beneficiaries. Healthcare providers or suppliers complete these forms to seek payment for covered services.

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-10260, are used to enroll in Medicare Part D prescription drug plans or to make changes to existing plans. They require information about the medications a beneficiary takes and their preferred pharmacy.

Medicare Authorization Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-10114, are used to authorize the release of personal health information from Medicare records to designated individuals or organizations. This allows beneficiaries to grant access to their medical records for specific purposes.

Medicare Appeal Forms: These forms, such as the CMS-20027, are used to request an appeal if a claim is denied or if there is a disagreement with a Medicare decision. They provide a process for beneficiaries or their representatives to seek a review of coverage determinations or payment decisions.

These are just a few examples of the various Medicare forms that exist. The specific forms and requirements may vary, so it's important to consult the official Medicare website or contact the Medicare administrative authority for accurate and up-to-date information.


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