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Form 1282 Australia

  1. Language English
  2. Country Australia
  3. Activity Visa support
Form 1282 Australia

1282 - Australian values statement for temporary visa applicants

This document is a form for temporary visa applicants to confirm their understanding and commitment to Australian values, including respect for individual freedom and dignity, religious and speech freedoms, commitment to the rule of law and parliamentary democracy, equality of opportunity, mutual respect, tolerance, compassion, and English language as the national language. Applicants are encouraged to read the Life in Australia booklet before completing the form.

  • What is an important unifying element of Australian society, according to the information provided?

    The English language is considered an important unifying element of Australian society.

  • What must a temporary visa applicant sign to confirm they understand and will undertake to conduct themselves according to the values of Australian society?

    A temporary visa applicant must sign a statement that confirms understanding and adherence to the shared values of Australian society as explained in the Life in Australia booklet.

  • What is required if an applicant has included other people in their application?

    If another person is included on the visa application, they may also need to complete the Australian values statement depending on their age as stated on the visa application form.

  • Which booklet provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life?

    The Life in Australia booklet provides additional information about Australian society's shared values, which is available in multiple languages.

  • What does the Department of Home Affairs acknowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

    The Department of Home Affairs acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the traditional custodians of Australian land.

  • What encouragement does the Australian Government give to temporary visa applicants?

    The Australian Government encourages temporary visa applicants to gain an understanding of Australia, its people, and their way of life before applying for a visa.

  • What is the purpose of completing the Australian values statement for temporary visa applicants?

    The Australian values statement is completed as part of a visa application to provide information on Australian society and its shared values, as well as confirming an understanding of these values and a commitment to obeying the laws of Australia.


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Visa Forms

Form 1282 is one of Visa forms that are documents that are used to apply for a visa to enter a foreign country. A visa is a document that allows a foreign national to enter, stay, and sometimes work in a foreign country for a specified period of time. The exact forms and requirements for obtaining a visa vary by country and type of visa.

Visa forms typically require personal information such as name, date of birth, and passport information, as well as information about the purpose and length of the trip, intended destination, and whether the applicant has previously been refused a visa or deported from a country. The forms may also require supporting documents such as a passport, photographs, and proof of financial support.

In the United States, the most common visa forms are the DS-160 and DS-260 forms. The DS-160 form is used to apply for a nonimmigrant visa, while the DS-260 form is used to apply for an immigrant visa. These forms require detailed information about the applicant's personal and travel history, as well as supporting documentation such as a passport, travel itinerary, and financial records.

Other countries may have different visa forms and requirements, but the basic process typically involves completing a visa application, providing supporting documentation, and attending an interview with a consular officer at a U.S. embassy or consulate. It is important to note that the visa application process can be complex and time-consuming, and it is recommended that individuals seeking a visa consult with an immigration attorney or other qualified professional to ensure that all necessary forms and requirements are met.


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