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Form 1445 Australia

  1. Language English
  2. Country Australia
  3. Activity Work
Form 1445 Australia

1445 - Request permission to work with an employer beyond 6 months on a Working Holiday or Work and Holiday visa

This form is used by Working Holiday and Work and Holiday visa holders to request permission from the Department of Home Affairs to work with an employer beyond 6 months in Australia. The form requires personal details of the visa holder, details of the employer, employment details, reasons for seeking permission to work for more than 6 months, and a declaration.

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Work Forms

Form 1445 is one of application forms that are used by individuals who intend to work in a foreign country. These forms are typically required by the immigration authorities of the destination country to gather information about the individual's employment background, skills, and qualifications. The specific work forms and requirements can vary depending on the country and its immigration policies. Here are some examples of work forms in terms of immigration:

Work Visa Application Form: This is the main form used by individuals seeking to work in a foreign country. It collects personal information, details about the intended employment, the sponsoring employer or organization, and other relevant information required for the work visa application.

Employment Contract: In some cases, individuals may need to submit a copy of their employment contract as part of the work permit application. The employment contract outlines the terms and conditions of the job, including the position, salary, working hours, and other employment-related details.

Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) Form: In certain countries, employers must obtain a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to demonstrate that there is a genuine need for foreign workers to fill specific job positions. The LMIA form is completed by the employer and includes information about the job vacancy, efforts to hire local workers, and the impact on the local labor market.

Skills Assessment or Qualification Recognition Forms: Depending on the country, individuals may be required to have their skills or qualifications assessed or recognized to ensure they meet the standards required for the job. Skills assessment or qualification recognition forms collect information about the individual's educational background, work experience, and skills in relation to the specific occupation.

Proof of Employment or Job Offer Letter: Individuals applying for work visas may need to provide proof of employment or a job offer letter from the sponsoring employer. These documents typically include details about the job title, responsibilities, start date, and salary.

Work Permit Application Form: Once the work visa is approved, individuals may need to complete a separate work permit application form to obtain the official authorization to work in the country. This form may require information such as the work visa number, personal details, employment details, and any applicable fees.

Medical Examination Forms: Depending on the country and the nature of the work, individuals may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they meet the health requirements for working in that country. Medical examination forms collect the necessary health information and test results.

It's important to note that the specific work forms and requirements can vary significantly depending on the country, the type of work being pursued, and the immigration policies in place. It is advisable to consult the official website of the immigration authorities or seek legal advice to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the necessary work forms for immigration purposes.


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