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Form RTB-12L-O Canada

  1. Language English
  2. Country Canada
  3. Activity Tenancy
  4. State British Columbia
Form RTB-12L-O Canada

Landlord Application for Dispute Resolution - Other Issues (RTB-12L-O)

Landlords can use this form to apply for an order of possession because the rental unit is uninhabitable, or for the tenant to follow the manufactured home park rules, or to apply for an issue not found on the Landlord’s Application for Dispute Resolution (RTB-12L-CT or RTB-12T-PT). This form must be accompanied by an Application for Dispute Resolution.

The document is a Landlord's Application for Dispute Resolution form from the Residential Tenancy Branch of British Columbia. The form includes sections for the landlord to provide information about issues they are experiencing with tenants, a declaration section for the landlord to certify the accuracy of the information provided, and contact information for the Residential Tenancy Branch. Issues outlined by the landlord include requesting a $100 fee recovery, seeking an Order of Possession due to uninhabitable conditions or frustrated tenancies, requesting an Order for the tenant(s) to comply with manufactured home park rules, and requesting something not listed above. Instructions for using the form are also provided.

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Forms for landlords and/or tenants to propose action relating to tenancy agreements.

Form RTB-12L-O is the type of residential tenancy agreements used by most private landlords and housing associations.

There are a number of matters on which landlords or tenants must follow certain rules laid down in the regulations. In some cases it may be necessary for them to complete a form, called a ‘prescribed form’, that proposes an action that may affect the other party to the tenancy agreement.

The forms are called prescribed forms because the wording in them has been carefully drafted to ensure that the person completing the form and the person on whom it is served may understand what is being proposed and what they may do in response. Failure to serve the correct form may invalidate the action that is being proposed.

You may not alter the wording in these forms unless a form says you may do so. If you alter the wording, the form may be invalidated. You must also comply with any notice periods set out in the form.


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