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Panjab Police - Domestic Help or Servant Verification Application

  1. Language English Hindi
  2. Country India
  3. State Punjab
  4. Department Saanjh Services - Punjab Police
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Panjab Police - Domestic Help or Servant Verification Application

Domestic Help or Servant Verification

This document is a form for Saanjh Services, used for verifying domestic help or servants. The form includes two parts: Part 1 focuses on personal details and service details, while Part 2 covers relative information, introducer/referral information, and master/owner information. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Personal details include name, gender, address, contact details, and date of birth. Service details involve the name of previous employer, dates of employment, and contact details. Relative information includes names, genders, addresses, and relations to the applicant. Introducer/referral information involves the name, relation, gender, and contact details. Master/owner information includes their name, address, contact details, and criminal record (if any). Documents to be attached include proof of permanent address, identity, residence proof of landlord, photo ID, and self-declaration.


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Ministry of External Affairs application forms

Punjab Domestic Help or Servant Verification Form is one of Ministry of External Affairs application forms. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs offers various application forms for different services related to external affairs and international relations. Some common application forms include:

Passport Application: This form is used to apply for an Indian passport. It collects personal details such as name, address, date of birth, and nationality.

Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Application: This form is used to apply for OCI status, which allows individuals of Indian origin to live and work in India indefinitely. It collects personal details, including proof of Indian origin.

Visa Application: This form is used to apply for a visa to travel to a foreign country. It collects personal details, travel information, and the purpose of travel.

Emigration Clearance Application: This form is used by individuals who are seeking emigration clearance for employment in certain countries. It collects personal information and employment details.

Attestation Application: This form is used to apply for the attestation of various documents, such as educational certificates, marriage certificates, and commercial documents. It collects details of the document to be attested and the purpose of attestation.

Consular Services Application: This form is used for various consular services, including the issuance of emergency certificates, assistance to Indian nationals abroad, and registration of Indian nationals. The specific details required depend on the nature of the service requested.


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