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ITD Form 49C India

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  2. Country India
  3. Activity Taxes
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ITD Form 49C India

Annual Statement under section 285 of the Income-tax Act, 1961

[Form No. 49C] This form is an Annual Statement under section 285 of the Income-tax Act, 1961. It is submitted by a non-resident person to provide details regarding their financial activities in India for a specified financial year. The form requires the following information: 1. Financial Year 2. Name and Principal Address of non-resident person in India 3. Head Office Address of non-resident person 4. Permanent Account Number (if allotted) 5. Tax Identification No., if any, of country of Incorporation or residence 6. Liaison Office (L.O.) Registration No. granted by RBI 7. Nature of activities undertaken by L.O. 8. Date of opening of L.O. in India 9. Date of RBI approval for L.O. opening 10. Address of L.O./L.Os in India 11. Name, address and Membership No. of Chartered Accountant signing the Annual Activity Certificate (AAC) 12. India specific financial details for the financial year i.e., receipts, income and expenses of the non-resident person from or in India 13. Details of all purchases, sales of material, and services from/to Indian parties during the year by the non-resident person 14. Name & Designation of Officer In charge for each Office of the non-resident person in India 15. Details of any salary or compensation payable outside India to any employee working in India or for services rendered in India 16. Total Number of employees working in the LO/L.Os during the year 17. Particulars of employees drawing salary of Rs. 50,000 or above per month 18. Details (with complete addresses and PAN) of agents/representative/distributors of the non-resident person in India 19. Names & addresses of the top five parties with whom the L.O. has been doing liaisoning 20. Details of Products or services for which liaisoning activity is done by the L.O. 21. Details of any other entity (including PAN, if any) for which liaisoning activity is done by the L.O. 22. Details of Group entities present in India as Branch Office/Companies/LLPs etc., incorporated in India and nature their business activities 23. Details (with addresses) of other L.Os of the Group entities in India 24. Verification by an authorized person.


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Tax forms

Form 49C is one of Tax forms that are documents used to report information related to taxes to the relevant tax authority. There are various types of tax forms, including federal, state, and local tax forms, which can vary depending on the taxpayer's circumstances and location.


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