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Form 1120-F Schedule H

  1. Country USA
  2. Language English
  3. Activity Taxes
  4. Department Internal Revenue Service
Form 1120-F Schedule H

Deductions Allocated to Effectively Connected Income Under Regulations Section 1.861-8

Rev. 2023

These instructions provide guidance on completing Schedule H of Form 1120-F, which is used to allocate and apportion expenses between a controlled foreign corporation's (CFC) earnings and income effectively connected with the United States (ECI) and non-ECI. The allocation and apportionment methods include gross income ratio, asset ratio, number of personnel ratio, and other methods such as published or other non-public audited financial statements, non-audit third-party reports, and Regulations section 1.861-8.


  • What is the importance of reconciliation of allocable expenses on Books Under Regulations Section 1.861-8?

    Reconciliation of Allocable Expenses on Books Under Regulations Section 1.861-8 is necessary to ensure that the amount of deductions allocated and apportioned to ECI and non-ECI matches the total deductions reported on line 37.

  • Can a corporation that is a member of a partnership file a separate Form 1120-F?

    Yes, a corporation that is a member of a partnership can file a separate Form 1120-F if it meets the filing requirements as a separate entity.

  • What is the due date for filing Form 1120-F?

    The due date for filing Form 1120-F depends on the tax year of the corporation. For a calendar year corporation, the due date is March 15th. If this date falls over a weekend or a holiday, it may be extended to the next business day.

  • How do you report a loss on Form 1120-F?

    To report a loss on Form 1120-F, enter the total loss from all activities on line 17 of Schedule J. If there is a loss from one activity that offsets income from another activity, report the offsetting loss on line 46 of Schedule J.

  • What is the difference between a C corporation and an S corporation?

    A C corporation pays tax on its income, while an S corporation allows for pass-through tax treatment. This means that profits are distributed to shareholders who then report them as income on their personal tax returns.

  • How do you file a Form 1120-F?

    To file a Form 1120-F, fill out the form with all necessary information and schedules. Electronic filing is recommended for faster processing of your return. Make sure to include any supporting documents required by law.

  • What are the special rules for allocating and apportioning certain expenses to ECI and non-ECI?

    Regulations sections 1.861-8, 1.861-17, and Temporary Regulations section 1.861-8T provide special rules for allocating and apportioning certain expenses to ECI and non-ECI, such as derivative transaction deductions, interbranch expenses, and periodic expense from notional principal contracts.

  • What is the purpose of Schedule J?

    Schedule J is used by corporations that have received income from partnerships, estates, trusts, and other businesses. It provides information about the distribution of income to the corporation's shareholders or members.

  • Can a corporation be a partner in a partnership?

    Yes, a corporation can be a partner in a partnership. However, it is important to note that certain rules and regulations apply when a corporation acts as a partner in a partnership.

  • What is the difference between Form 1116 and Schedule J?

    Form 1116 is used to report certain deductions, including the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and net operating loss (NOL) carryforwards. Schedule J is used by corporations to provide information about income distributions from partnerships, estates, trusts, and other businesses.

  • What is a Net Operating Loss (NOL)?

    A Net Operating Loss (NOL) occurs when a corporation's deductions exceed its income. It can be carried forward to offset future years' taxable income.

  • What is the purpose of Schedule H, Part II on Form 1120-F?

    Schedule H, Part II on Form 1120-F is used to calculate and report the earnings and profits (E&P) of a Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) that are effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business (ECI). It also reconciles the ECI deductions reported on lines 38a through 41.

  • Which expenses should be reported on line 31 of Schedule H, Part II?

    Expenses that are directly connected with a U.S. trade or business (ECI) and paid or accrued by the Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) during the tax year should be reported on line 31.


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Tax forms

Form 1120-F Schedule H is one of Tax forms that are documents used to report information related to taxes to the relevant tax authority. There are various types of tax forms, including federal, state, and local tax forms, which can vary depending on the taxpayer's circumstances and location.


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