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Form 1120-FSC

  1. Country USA
  2. Language English
  3. Activity Taxes
  4. Department Internal Revenue Service
Form 1120-FSC

U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Sales Corporation

Rev. November 2018

Instructions for filling out Form 1120-FSC (Foreign Sales Corporation) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This form is used to report income, deductions, and taxes related to a Foreign Sales Corporation. The form consists of several schedules: A - Income and Gain; B - Deductions and Taxes; C - Depreciation and Amortization; J - Tax Computation.


  • What are the codes for different types of merchandise?

    The codes for different types of merchandise can be found in the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). For example, 513100 is used for Architectural Services. However, it's important to note that NAICS codes are not directly equivalent to SIC or SOI codes.

  • What is a Foreign Sales Corporation?

    A Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) is a type of entity created under the Foreign Sales Corporation Act, which allows U.S. companies to avoid paying federal income tax on certain income from sales made to related foreign parties by transferring that income to an FSC, where it will be subject to tax at a lower rate or not at all, depending on the business activities of the FSC.

  • What are the benefits of using an FSC?

    The main benefit of using an FSC is the ability to defer U.S. federal income tax on income from sales made to related foreign parties, allowing for greater cash flow and potentially reducing overall tax liability. However, it's important to consult with a tax professional or attorney before setting up an FSC.

  • What is Form 8938?

    Form 8938, Information Reporting by U.S. Taxpayers With Respect to Certain Foreign Financial Assets, is used by U.S. taxpayers to report specified foreign financial assets held as of the end of a tax year in accordance with Section 6038D(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • What is Form 1042?

    Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, is used to report income that is subject to withholding of tax at the source.

  • What is Form 1040-ES?

    Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, is used by individuals who do not pay enough tax throughout the year to estimate and pay their annual income taxes in installments.

  • What is the purpose of Form 1099-B?

    Form 1099-B, Acquisition or Redemption of Capital Stock, is used to report transactions involving the issuance of capital stock by a corporation. It is used to provide information necessary for calculating gain or loss realized on the sale or exchange of capital assets.

  • What is the principal business activity code for wholesale trading of durable goods?

    The principal business activity code for wholesale trading of durable goods is 423100, Motor Vehicle & Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies.


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Federal tax forms

Form 1120-FSC is one of Federal tax forms that are documents used to report and file federal income taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. These forms are used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to report their income, deductions, and other relevant information necessary for calculating their federal tax liability.

The most commonly used federal tax form is the Form 1040, which is used by individual taxpayers to report their personal income tax. Other commonly used forms include the Form 1065 for partnerships, Form 1120 for corporations, and Form 990 for tax-exempt organizations.

Federal tax forms typically require taxpayers to report various sources of income, such as wages, salaries, and tips, as well as income from investments, rental properties, and other sources. The forms also allow taxpayers to claim deductions and credits for various expenses, such as charitable contributions, mortgage interest, and healthcare expenses.

It is important to file federal tax forms accurately and on time, as failure to do so can result in penalties and interest charges from the IRS.


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