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Form 1120-S Schedule M-3

  1. Country USA
  2. Language English
  3. Activity Taxes
  4. Department Internal Revenue Service
Form 1120-S Schedule M-3

Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for S Corporations With Total Assets of $10 Million or More

Rev. December 2019

Schedule M-3 of Form 1120-S is a reconciliation form used by S corporations to compare their income statement with the total income reported on their tax return. It includes reconciling items related to income, expenses/deductions, and temporary or permanent differences.


  • What are the three main sections in Schedule M-3?

    The three main sections in Schedule M-3 are Parts I, II, and III. Each section has specific lines for reporting different types of information related to income, deductions, and credits.

  • What should be included in the statement attached to Part III, line 31?

    The statement attached to Part III, line 31 must separately state and adequately disclose the nature and amount of each expense/deduction, the corresponding income statement amount, the temporary difference, the permanent difference, and the tax return deduction.

  • What is a statement of changes in permanent differences?

    A statement of changes in permanent differences is a report that shows the changes in permanent differences from the previous year to the current year. It is filed as part of Schedule M-3 and is used to compute the income tax liability of an S corporation.

  • What is Schedule M-3 (Form 1120-S) used for?

    Schedule M-3 (Form 1120-S) is a form used by S corporations to report income, deductions, credits, and other information required by the IRS. It is used to provide more detail about the tax return of an S corporation.

  • What is a statement of changes in temporary differences?

    A statement of changes in temporary differences is a report that shows the changes in temporary differences from the previous year to the current year. It is filed as part of Schedule M-3 and is used to compute the income tax liability of an S corporation.

  • What are examples of temporary differences?

    Examples of temporary differences include the difference between financial accounting methods and income tax methods for reporting prepaid expenses, accrued liabilities, and deferred tax assets or liabilities. Other examples may include timing differences in recognizing revenue or expenses.

  • Give an example of an item to report on Part III, line 31?

    An example of an item to report on Part III, line 31 is prepaid insurance premiums expensed differently for financial accounting and U.S. income tax reporting.

  • What is the purpose of Part I of Schedule M-3?

    The purpose of Part I of Schedule M-3 is to report the shareholders' share of the S corporation's income. It also includes information about distributions, allocations, and apportionment of taxes.

  • What is a permanent difference?

    A permanent difference is a temporary difference that does not reverse in the future years.

  • What is a temporary difference?

    A temporary difference is the difference between an item reported for financial accounting purposes and its corresponding U.S. income tax reporting requirement in the current year.

  • What is Part III, line 31 of Schedule M-3 for a corporation's income tax return?

    Part III, line 31 of Schedule M-3 is where corporations report other expense/deduction items with differences between financial accounting and U.S. income tax reporting.

  • What is Part II of Schedule M-3 used for?

    Part II of Schedule M-3 is used to report various types of income, deductions, credits, and other items required by the IRS. It includes specific lines related to income from an S corporation's trade or business, investments, dividends, and more.

  • What are temporary differences?

    Temporary differences are differences between the financial statement amounts and the income tax amounts reported on Schedule M-3. These differences arise due to timing or methodological differences in reporting for financial accounting and income tax purposes.


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Tax forms

Form 1120-S Schedule M-3 is one of Tax forms that are documents used to report income, deductions, and tax liability to the relevant tax authority. These forms are an essential part of the tax filing process and are used to ensure individuals and businesses comply with tax laws and accurately calculate their tax obligations.

The specific tax forms required can vary depending on factors such as an individual's filing status, sources of income, and the country's tax laws. However, here are some common types of tax forms:

Individual Income Tax Forms: These forms, such as the 1040 series in the United States, are used by individuals to report their income, claim deductions and credits, and calculate their tax liability.

Business Tax Forms: Businesses, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and self-employed individuals, may have to file various forms to report their income, expenses, and taxes owed. Examples include Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business) and Form 1120 (U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return).

Employment Tax Forms: Employers are required to report employee wages and withhold and remit payroll taxes. Forms such as W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) and 941 (Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return) are used for this purpose.

Investment and Retirement Account Forms: These forms are used to report investment income, capital gains, and losses, as well as contributions and distributions from retirement accounts. Examples include Form 1099-DIV (Dividends and Distributions) and Form 5498 (IRA Contribution Information).

Estate and Gift Tax Forms: When a person passes away or makes significant gifts, specific forms such as Form 706 (United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return) and Form 709 (United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return) are used to report and calculate any applicable estate or gift taxes.

It is important to note that tax laws and forms can change over time, so individuals and businesses should consult the relevant tax authority or seek professional tax advice to ensure compliance with the current requirements.


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