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Form INZ1134 New Zealand

  1. Country New Zealand
  2. Language English
  3. Activity Visit and tourism Work Residence Business and investment Study
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Form INZ1134 New Zealand

Additional Details Form

Use this form to submit additional details when required as part of the processing of your application to enter or remain in New Zealand.

The Additional Details Form is part of the processing for an application to enter or remain in New Zealand. The form requires applicants aged 17 and over to provide personal details, additional information about their background, and a declaration. Applicants must answer all questions truthfully and accurately, as providing false information may result in the application being declined or legal consequences. Sections B and C require assistance from an immigration adviser, who must sign and certify their involvement.

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Tourism Forms

Form INZ1134 is one of Tourism forms that are documents used by individuals or groups who are planning to travel for tourism purposes. These forms may vary depending on the destination country or the travel service provider, but they generally contain information about the traveler, their itinerary, and any other relevant details.

Some common tourism forms include:

Travel itinerary: This form lists the traveler's planned activities, including dates, times, and locations of flights, accommodations, tours, and other activities.

Visa application: Many countries require tourists to obtain a visa before entry. The visa application form typically asks for personal information, travel details, and supporting documentation, such as a passport, photograph, or financial statements.

Health declaration form: This form is used to declare any medical conditions or potential exposure to communicable diseases, such as COVID-19. Some countries require travelers to provide a negative COVID-19 test before entry.

Travel insurance form: This form provides information about the traveler's travel insurance coverage, including the type of policy, coverage limits, and emergency contact information.

Customs declaration form: This form is required by some countries to declare any items being brought into the country, such as gifts, souvenirs, or electronics.

Accommodation booking form: This form provides information about the traveler's accommodations, including the dates of stay, room type, and any special requests.

Tourism forms may be required by airlines, travel agencies, hotels, or other travel service providers, and they may be available in electronic or paper formats. They is important to carefully review and complete all necessary forms to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.


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