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Form DR 2300C Colorado

  1. Language English
  2. Country USA
  3. Activity Driver's License
  4. State Colorado
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Form DR 2300C Colorado

Undocumented Residents Identification Checklist

The Colorado Department of Revenue's Division of Motor Vehicles provides a checklist for undocumented residents to follow when applying for driver's licenses or identification cards. The applicants must present unaltered original or certified documents including: Step 1 - Identity with full legal name, date of birth, unexpired foreign passport or consular identification card or military identification document or Colorado driver license or instruction permit or ID card; Step 2 - Taxpayer Identification Number or Social Security Number with ITIN card or IRS letter or certified state tax return and applicants must provide their Social Security Number; Step 3 - Colorado Residency proof of Colorado income tax return filing or documents demonstrating Colorado residency for the current and past years including first class mail, phone bill, utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement, lease agreement/mortgage statement, insurance policy, pay stub, vehicle registration/title, rent receipt, or Colorado driver license with current address; Step 4 - Residential Address with first class mail, phone bill, utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement, lease agreement/mortgage statement, insurance policy, pay stub, vehicle registration/title, rent receipt or Colorado driver license. Applicants need to bring a friend or family member for translation assistance if required and will be asked about organ, eye and tissue donation during the application process.


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Driving License Application Forms

In most countries, it's mandatory to have a driving license before you can hit the road. Getting a driving license is an important milestone for anyone who wants to drive a car.

Form DR 2300C is one of Driving License Application forms that are documents used to gather information from people who want to apply for a driving license. It usually contains fields for the applicant's name, date of birth, ID number, contact information, as well as their driver's license history and experience.


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