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Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Designation

  1. Country USA
  2. Language English
  3. Department U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Designation

Application for Regional Center Designation

Use Form I-956 to request U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) designation as a regional center under Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 203(b)(5)(E), or to request an amendment to an approved regional center designated under INA 203(b)(5)(E).

Filled out Form I-956, Regional Center Application, including all required sections such as Authorized Individual Information, Business Information, Interpreter Information (if applicable), and Preparer Information. The form is certified and signed by the appropriate parties.

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  • What is the purpose of Form I-956?

    Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Under the Immigrant Investor Program, is used to apply fordesignation or amendment of a regional center under the EB-5 program. A regional center is an economic entity,public or private, that has been approved by USCIS to pool the investments and manage the funds raised from foreigninvestors for the purpose of creating or expanding an enterprise in the United States.

  • What happens after filing Form I-956?

    USCIS will review your application for completeness and eligibility.

    If additional information is needed, USCIS may request more information or evidence.

    An interview may be required.

    The decision on Form I-956 involves a determination of whether you have established eligibility for therequested designation or amendment.

    Approval will result in regional center designation, and denial will notify you of the reasons.

  • What is the process for filing Form I-956?

    File a complete Form I-956 application packet, which includes:

    - Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Under the Immigrant Investor Program.

    - Required supporting documentation and evidence as outlined in the form instructions.

    - Payment of the required application fee.

  • What is the privacy notice for Form I-956?

    The information requested on this application will be used to grant or deny the regional centerapplication.

    Background checks with law enforcement agencies may reveal derogatory information that may result indenial of your application and/or termination of the regional center's designation.

    Your identifying information, as well as evidence, is voluntary but required for processing. Sendcomments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions forreducing this burden, to USCIS, Office of Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division, 5900 Capital Gateway Drive, Mail Stop #2140, Camp Springs, MD 20588-0009; OMB No. 1615-0159.

  • Who can file Form I-956?

    Any entity, including public or private entities, regional business associations, state and localgovernments, and their affiliates, may apply for designation as a regional center under the EB-5 program. An applicantmay also seek an amendment to an already approved regional center designation.

  • What are the consequences of falsifying Form I-956?

    Knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact or submitting a false document withForm I-956 may result in denial of your application and/or termination of the regional center's designation.

    Additionally, severe penalties and criminal prosecution are possible.


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