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Form M-1097, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings

  1. Country USA
  2. Language English
  3. Department U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form M-1097, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings

This document outlines the instructions for filing an H-2A petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It includes information on required forms, fees, documentation, and eligibility requirements. Employers seeking to hire temporary agricultural workers must file Form I-129 along with various supplements, including the H Classification Supplement and ETA Form 9142. The document also provides guidance for filing petitions for multiple workers, extensions or changes of status, and workers from non-eligible countries.

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  • What is the difference between a change of status and an adjustment of status?

    A change of status involves requesting a different non-immigrant classification while in the U.S., whereas an adjustment of status involves applying for a permanent residence benefit, such as a green card, based on your current immigration status in the United States.

  • Can I extend my non-immigrant status?

    Yes, you may be able to extend your current non-immigrant status depending on the type of benefit and your specific circumstances. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine if you are eligible for an extension and what additional requirements may apply.

  • Can I change my non-immigrant status while in the U.S?

    It is possible to change your non-immigrant status while in the United States, but it depends on your current immigration status and the type of benefit you are seeking. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine if you qualify for a change of status while in the U.S.

  • What are the eligibility requirements for changing my non-immigrant status?

    Eligibility requirements for changing your non-immigrant status depend on the specific benefit you are seeking and your current immigration status. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria.

  • What is the time frame for changing my non-immigrant status?

    The time frame for changing your non-immigrant status can vary depending on the benefit you are seeking and the current immigration regulations. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine the specific time frame for your case.

  • What is the process for changing my non-immigrant status?

    The process for changing your non-immigrant status can vary depending on the benefit you are seeking and your current immigration status. Generally, it involves submitting a petition or application with the appropriate agency or organization, providing evidence of eligibility, and following any additional requirements set forth in the application instructions.

  • How can I change my non-immigrant status?

    To change your non-immigrant status, you should file a new petition with the appropriate agency or organization, such as USCIS for immigration benefits. It depends on your current status and the type of benefit you are seeking.

  • What is the validity period of an H-1B visa?

    An H-1B visa can be granted for up to 3 years initially. However, extensions are common, allowing a total stay of around 7 years in some instances.

  • What are the general requirements for an H-1B visa holder?

    H-1B visas are granted for temporary employment in specialized occupations. The individual must have a U.S. employer, offer of employment, and meet certain eligibility conditions related to their occupation.

  • What is the difference between Form I-129 (H) and Form I-129 (L)?

    Form I-129 (H) is used for Nonimmigrant Workers, including H-1B, while Form I-129 (L) is used for Nonimmigrant Religious Workers.

  • Can you file Form I-129 electronically?

    Yes, USCIS allows electronic submissions of Form I-129 and supporting documentation through its web portal, iFile, or other authorized methods.

  • What is the filing fee for Form I-129?

    The current filing fee for Form I-129 is $684. However, certain categories of filings may have lower fees.

  • What is the form name for filing a petition for nonimmigrant worker (Form I-129)?

    Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129)

  • What evidence do I need to provide for a change of non-immigrant status?

    The required evidence for a change of non-immigrant status can vary depending on your specific situation and the type of benefit you are seeking. Generally, it may include proof of eligibility, such as educational or work-related documents, financial information, or letters from employers.

  • Can I travel outside the U.S while my change of non-immigrant status application is pending?

    Travel restrictions may apply depending on your current immigration status and the specific benefit you are seeking. It is recommended to consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine if traveling outside the U.S while your change of non-immigrant status application is pending is allowed.

  • What is the processing time for a change of non-immigrant status?

    The processing time for a change of non-immigrant status can vary depending on factors such as the volume of applications and the complexity of individual cases. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine the estimated processing time for your case.

  • What is the filing fee for changing my non-immigrant status?

    The filing fee for changing your non-immigrant status can vary depending on the type of benefit and the specific form you are required to file. You should consult with an immigration attorney or accredited representative to determine the appropriate fee for your case.


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