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Form 861 Alaska

  1. Language English
  2. Country USA
  3. Activity Vehicle Registration
  4. State Alaska
Form 861 Alaska


[Form 861 (Rev. 11/23/2021)] This form is used to apply for a special disability parking permit or license plates in Alaska. The applicant and their medical professional must complete Part 1 and Part 2, respectively. Eligibility requirements include being unable to walk 200 feet without rest, requiring assistive devices, having lung disease or cardiac conditions, or being severely limited due to arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic conditions. Temporary permits are valid for up to six months and can be renewed, while permanent permits last up to five years and require the applicant to be a registered vehicle owner. The permit must be hung from the rearview mirror when parked in designated spaces and removed before driving. Anyone transporting the holder of the permit may also park in designated parking areas.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

If you own or lease a motor vehicle, trailer or boat, you must meet certain obligations to keep your vehicle legally registered and safe.

Form 861 is one of Vehicle registration forms that are documents that are used to register a motor vehicle with the relevant state or provincial authority. These forms are typically required when a person purchases a new or used vehicle or when they move to a new state or province with a vehicle.

The exact requirements and forms needed for vehicle registration can vary by location, but generally, the process involves providing information about the vehicle, the owner, and any liens on the vehicle.

Once the registration forms and fees are submitted, the state or provincial authority will issue a registration certificate or license plate to the owner of the vehicle. This registration allows the vehicle to be legally operated on public roads and highways.


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