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Vehicle/Boat Record Request | Washington (Korean)

  1. Country USA
  2. Language Korean
  3. Activity Vehicle Registration
  4. State Washington
Vehicle/Boat Record Request | Washington (Korean)

귀하가 소유하고 있거나 소유했던 차량, 오토바이, 설상차, 캠핑카, 이동 주택 및 트레일러에 대한 기록 사본을 요청하는 양식.

To request a vehicle or boat record from Washington State Department of Licensing, individuals need to provide specific information depending on their status. For an individual, it's necessary to provide their full name, current address, and specify what type of information is required: VIN, size for mobile homes, or ownership history. Businesses or corporations must attach a copy of their business license or other relevant documents such as power of attorney. Non-profit organizations and corporations should submit their articles of incorporation or tax-exempt status. Exporters or freight forwarders need to provide their business license, bill of sale, or power of attorney. Lawyers need to attach a copy of their current bar association membership certificate or proof of active practice in the state. Private investigators must provide a copy of their current PI license.


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Vehicle Registration Forms

If you own or lease a motor vehicle, trailer or boat, you must meet certain obligations to keep your vehicle legally registered and safe.

Vehicle/Boat Record Request is one of Vehicle registration forms that are documents that are used to register a motor vehicle with the relevant state or provincial authority. These forms are typically required when a person purchases a new or used vehicle or when they move to a new state or province with a vehicle.

The exact requirements and forms needed for vehicle registration can vary by location, but generally, the process involves providing information about the vehicle, the owner, and any liens on the vehicle.

Once the registration forms and fees are submitted, the state or provincial authority will issue a registration certificate or license plate to the owner of the vehicle. This registration allows the vehicle to be legally operated on public roads and highways.


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