Chọn ngôn ngữ

1442i - Thông báo về quyền riêng tư

The Australian Border Force may share your personal information with other countries that have data-sharing agreements with Australia, including but not limited to New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. This exchange of information could include biometric data (identity information) as well as other relevant documents and records. The purpose of this information exchange is to help verify your identity and confirm whether you have applied for visas or protection with other countries or authorities, or not.

thẻ tìm kiếm

  • What are the requirements for applying for a partner visa?

    The requirements for applying for a partner visa include being in a genuine and continuing relationship with an Australian citizen, resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, meeting the health and character requirements, and providing evidence of the relationship. Additionally, applicants must meet the income threshold requirement.

  • How long does it take to process a partner visa application?

    The processing time for a partner visa application varies depending on the location of the visa application centre and the complexity of the application. It can take several months to over a year for the application to be processed.

  • Can I apply for an Australian visa online?

    Yes, you can apply for some types of Australian visas online through the Immigration Assessment Authority (IMAA) website. However, not all visa types are available online.

  • What are the different types of Australian visas?

    There are several types of Australian visas including student visas, work visas, family visas, and visitor visas. Each type has its own requirements and restrictions.

  • What is a bridging visa?

    A bridging visa is a temporary visa that allows an applicant to remain in Australia while their permanent residence application is being processed. It provides a pathway towards obtaining permanent residency in Australia.

  • Can I apply for an Australian visa if I am already in Australia?

    Yes, you can apply for an Australian visa even if you are already in Australia. However, the process may be different depending on the type of visa you are applying for.

  • What is the process for applying for an Australian visa?

    The process for applying for an Australian visa involves filling out an online application form, submitting supporting documents and paying the application fee. After submission, applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt and later on, a decision on their visa application.

  • What is a visitor visa?

    A visitor visa allows an individual to enter and stay temporarily in Australia for a specific period, typically up to 12 months. It does not allow the holder to work or study in Australia, and it must be applied for outside of Australia.


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