Chọn ngôn ngữ

1442i - Thông báo về quyền riêng tư

The Australian Home Affairs Department's privacy policy outlines how personal data is handled, including collection, use, disclosure, and access requests. Data may be shared with domestic and international entities for various purposes such as immigration research, event coordination, and visa processing.

thẻ tìm kiếm

  • How can individuals access and correct their personal data held by the Australian Government?

    Individuals can access and correct their personal data held by the Australian Government through the Freedom of Information Act 1982 or by contacting the relevant department or agency directly. They may also lodge a privacy complaint if they believe their privacy has been violated.

  • What personal data may be disclosed by the Australian Government to foreign entities?

    Personal data may be disclosed to foreign entities for various reasons such as facilitating travel arrangements, immigration procedures, or international events coordination. The specific data disclosed may include biometric information, identification documents, and immigration history.

  • Can you give me more information about why my personal data might be shared with foreign governments or international organizations?

    Your personal data might be shared with foreign governments or international organizations for various reasons, such as coordinating events of international importance, cultural or religious festivals, or sports competitions. The government may also use and disclose non-sensitive information to better organize these events or provide services to immigrants.

  • Can I request non-disclosure if my personal information is shared with foreign governments?

    Yes, you can request non-disclosure if your personal information is shared with foreign governments. However, the Department will weigh any privacy concerns against the need to share information for immigration purposes.

  • Which countries does the Australian Government exchange information with?

    The Australian Government exchanges information with various countries and international organizations under bilateral and multilateral agreements. The types of information exchanged may include biometric data, identity documents, and immigration history.

  • Can I request correction of any incorrect personal information held by the Department?

    Yes, you can request correction of any incorrect personal information held by the Department. The Privacy Policy contains instructions on how to view, correct, or lodge a complaint in relation to privacy concerns.

  • Are my personal data secure when being transmitted overseas?

    Your personal data is secure when being transmitted overseas. The Department engages external IT service providers who store and transmit data, including those based overseas. However, the government takes various measures to ensure your privacy is protected.

  • Are my personal data safe when being shared with foreign governments or international organizations?

    The safety of your personal data depends on the agreements in place between Australia and the foreign government or organization. If an agreement exists, the sharing of information is usually done securely. The Australian Government is committed to protecting your privacy when sharing information with foreign entities.

  • Will my personal data be shared with foreign governments or international organizations for immigration purposes?

    Yes, your personal data might be shared with foreign governments or international organizations for immigration purposes. This includes verifying identities, checking previous immigration history (which could include fraudulent or illegal activities), and determining if you have previously applied to other agencies using different identities.

  • What is the purpose of disclosing my personal data to foreign governments or organizations?

    The purpose of disclosing your personal data to foreign governments or organizations is to confirm your identity, determine if you have previously applied to other agencies under different identities and with similar requests, and assess any potential protection measures that may be required by Australia.

  • What happens when I submit a claim for a Protection Visa based on allegations against my home country?

    When you submit a claim for a Protection Visa based on allegations against your home country, the Department of Home Affairs will not disclose your personal data to that country unless you are present in Australia or a decision has been made on your claim.

  • Are there any instances where my personal data might be shared with foreign governments?

    Yes, your personal data might be shared with foreign governments in specific circumstances. For instance, if you have a pending claim of protection against your home country and wish to return to that country, the government will not disclose your personal data to that country unless you are present in Australia or a decision has been made on your claim.


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